Dude Wakes Up To Find Random Man Passed Out On His Porch, Documents Experience Via Snapchat

  1. ToPrepOrNotToPrep

    Fuck you. Why didn’t we get a fucking Fail Friday? What’s the count now? 8?

    8 years ago at 5:52 pm
      1. ToPrepOrNotToPrep

        Probably is. It’s been too long to fucking count. Constant fucking dumpster fires now.

        8 years ago at 9:45 pm
  2. thevaginator

    No Fail Fridays, no comments of the week, no forums, constantly pushing shitty merchandise on us, and hiring shit writers like Wally and intern Squid. Thus site is an absolute dumpster fire.

    8 years ago at 7:11 pm
    1. bosalikuba

      My Lilly Esin once in a blue moon got a new choice of the crop Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Coupe by unavailable off of a laptop… flash it out…
      Check Out This Site —->>> http://WWW.earnmax6.Com

      8 years ago at 2:54 am
  3. Ass Buster

    I have to agree with thevaginator. In the few years I have followed this it has constantly gone downhill. The elimination of the forums started it, and it has disintegrated since then. I suppose your lawyers made you drop the forum for fear of attacks from the PC police. But when you have a feature that is set to appear on a given day, it should appear. A deadline is a deadline. There is little fun left in this blog. We can’t talk about hazing now, and pretty soon we won’t be able to talk about sex or drinking. My grandpa used to follow it just to laugh at the kids and say “they don’t know how easy they have it compared to us back in 1956.” Now he just goes straight to his porn sites every morning and skips TFM.

    8 years ago at 8:18 pm