Representing Sigma Chi from sea to shining sea. TFM.

    1. Danny Porush

      I normally try to ignore the trolls seeing as you’re probably a worthless shit with no life, and I normally wouldn’t wish this own my own enemies but…I wish you’d get locked in a pike house for a week

      11 years ago at 1:37 pm
    2. brider326

      Go die in a hole you communist fuck. These men have put their lives at risk everyday to protect our freedom and all you want to do is talk down to them on the internet. You are lower than scum.

      11 years ago at 3:59 pm
      1. FratN

        because the terrorists would take my freedom without these grunts killing innocent people?

        11 years ago at 4:58 pm
      2. TotalFratMarine

        Okay you fuck, come tell me and my Brothers and fellow Marines in 29 palms that and see what happens, fuck you.

        11 years ago at 8:15 pm
      3. TotalFratMarine

        Okay you fuck, come tell me and my Brothers and fellow Marines in 29 palms that and see what happens, fuck you.

        11 years ago at 8:15 pm
    3. O.A.Hazebrook

      Shot in the dark here, but something’s telling me that you were never actually in a fraternity…..

      11 years ago at 12:02 am
  1. SECpregamedrunk

    A notice to everyone on TFM staff and fellow brothers, let’s get this disrespectful anti-American communist jackass banned from TFM. What kind of sick person would talk shit on our marines. Hereby motion to ban fratN

    11 years ago at 4:53 pm
    1. Hoo_Rah 1906

      This are Navy Seamen, not Marines. Oh, and please show some respect and capitalize Marines next time.

      11 years ago at 2:29 pm