We Unearthed Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus’ Fraternity Composite Photo


With the 2016 Republican National Convention just a little over two months away, this composite photo couldn’t have been sent to us at a better time. Reinhold “Reince” Priebus, the chairman of the Republican National Committee, is poised to oversee what might end up being the first multiballot Republican convention since it took Thomas E. Dewey three ballots to beat the field in 1948 before he eventually lost to Truman (despite what the Chicago Daily Tribune’s headline on November 3, 1948 might tell you). It’s a potential task that, while uncommon, wouldn’t be as big of a deal if the current GOP frontrunner weren’t Donald Trump, the most polarizing political figure since Chairman Josef Hitler-il, the totalitarian dictator about whom I had a (surprisingly wet) dream after falling asleep in the middle of a history lecture sophomore year.

I’m all in on Preebs, though, and have complete faith he’ll see to it that the correct nominee makes his way to the presidential election after the convention. Why? Because of a few small words written below his name on his fraternity composite photo.


Yup. Reince Priebus, the rush chairman of the Republican National Committee, got his start as the rush chairman of the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater’s Delta Chi chapter. He wasn’t some pussy-ass spring rush chairman, either. Fall rush all the way, baby. Priebus was the real deal rush master. Whether it’s Trump or someone else, I know Priebus will hand out the RNC’s lone 2016 bid to the right dude. It’s all about practice.

As of now, it appears as if Trump’s got the nomination in the bag. Priebus has been handling that fact pretty well, too, despite the fact that Donald has openly spoken out against the RNC. In an exclusive interview with The Hill back in April, Trump said that Priebus “should be ashamed of himself” because the process by which his party chooses its presidential nominee is a “scam.” Rather than starting some huge, party-dividing argument, however, Priebus merely asserted that the RNC’s rules are fair and non-discriminatory. Crisis averted. He even recently defended Trump after his bizarre Cinco de Mayo tweet.

However you choose to look at that response, there is one undeniable truth:

Reince Priebus only wanting what’s best for the Republican party. TFM.

Want to see more celebrity/politician composite photos, including Will Ferrell, Paul Ryan, Ashton Kutcher, and Paul Rudd? Click below.

What 11 Celebrities Were Like In College Based On Their Fraternity Composite Photos

What 11 More Celebrities Were Like In College Based On Their Fraternity Composite Photos

Featured image via Christopher Halloran / Shutterstock.com

  1. JohnnieWalker_Blue

    Why couldn’t his parents be normal and just name him Richard or Robert?

    8 years ago at 11:36 am
  2. StoryTeller

    Jesus. You search for composite photos more than I search for “petite anal abuse”…

    8 years ago at 11:58 am
  3. TheGreatWhiteNorth

    “We Unearthed Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus’ Fraternity Composite Photo”, more like someone sent it in to you and you gave yourself credit. Classic shitty TFM

    8 years ago at 12:15 pm