Resume “Building”

There comes a time when you have to leave reckless abandon and the glory of your undergraduate years behind, and enter the real world. But if you play your cards right, you should be able to construct a resume that can make you look even more qualified than you actually are. I’m not just talking about executive positions in your fraternity or the student government spots reserved for your house by the Greek political machine. Don’t get me wrong, those things look good, but there is always room for improvement. There are three time-tested ways to drastically strengthen your resume with out actually doing a damn thing. I present to you the three pillars of resume “building.”


So you need an internship, but you never actually held a single position in anything over the last three years. Not a problem. The beauty of being Greek is that the record keeping is pretty limited and chances are the person you need as a reference is one of your pledge brothers. No one actually knows who the philanthropy chair was in the spring of 2008. I’ve seen five guys claim to have been the social chair in the same semester with no consequences. Just make sure to tell whoever the president was at that time to answer their cell phone and confirm anything you lie about. If they refuse, you can always politely remind them of the Cancun Incident of 2009 that you still have pictures of. It’s not blackmail, it’s incentive. References are far easier to obtain when you’ve done lines of blow off a stripper’s ass in a back alley of Bourbon Street with the dude you need one from.


This should be pretty straight forward. Most employers aren’t going to be able to check the accuracy of anything you claimed to do in college. Anything numerical can easily be rounded up. Just keep it reasonable and make sure there’s no evidence of the truth. If you were president or treasurer, just round up your actual budget to the nearest quarter million. Half that money was probably laundered and mislabeled to pay for booze anyway, so lying about the actual amount is probably the least of your worries. Even if you didn’t actually do anything of importance during you tenure, just “exaggerate” until it’s resume gold. Planning a social takes very little actual work but saying that you “Developed itinerary, coordinated travel logistics, and authored risk management contingency plans for social events with several hundred attendees” sounds pretty mother fucking glorious.

Manipulate (the title)

Every organization has unique titles for very similar positions. The key is to convey inflated importance. The title “Vice President” can be very helpful. Some houses have like six vice presidents. You can be the VP of fucking anything. House Manager? Nope. Vice President of Fraternity Operations. Treasurer? Not enough. I’d go with Vice President of Finance. Social Chair? Too narrow. Vice President of Membership Resources. If VP would be too much of stretch you can always check down to “The Director of _____” title.

Remember, even if it’s dishonest, it’s not lying if your story checks out. To quote Alonzo Harris in Training Day, “It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove.” And they can’t prove shit.

  1. TheCommodore

    If anyone needs a reference, you can list me on your resume, I’ll confirm whatever your lie is.

    13 years ago at 7:03 pm
  2. Sammy Bruin

    I hire people regularly for entry level and higher; any person who lists high-ranking positions in a fraternity goes to the top of the list. Greek alumnus will always know that high-ranking fraternity positions give some of the best corporate training available aka intelligence and leadership. The title thing is bullshit though I don’t give a shit what your title was.

    13 years ago at 7:16 pm
    1. rastafratian

      I hire people for work, but i spend my free time on….wow

      13 years ago at 7:54 pm
    2. anon7472974648

      ^Never drinking, laughing. or allowing yourself to be entertained after graduating. TFM.

      You are smart, and I marvel at your intellectual capacity.

      13 years ago at 8:03 pm
    3. TheFratFace1868

      ^^ I’m willing to bet that many of the members on this site are gainfully employed full time or post-grad.

      13 years ago at 12:38 am
    4. Sack and Trapster

      JParks, touche’ and frat on sir. Rastafratian, you obviously have no idea as to what the fuck you are talking about. The banality of your comment has literally left me mindfucked. Im post-grad and greek. TFM is comic gold for when you’re inbetween emailing TPS reports with no cover letters of course. When your balls drop, you graduate, and join the corporate world, you’ll know exactly what the fuck everyone is talking about.

      13 years ago at 12:38 pm
  3. Kappa Pi 601

    Remember that you can put almost anything on your resume that is mostly true. Its not like you sign a form saying that all of your information is 100% true. So go ahead and say you personally ran a fundraiser that was over $1,000,000 profit. If they check up on it then its you VP of Finances fault for giving you the wrong figures.

    13 years ago at 8:59 pm
    1. TheFratFace1868

      Everyone here is completely missing the point. Everyone worth their weight held at least one position during their tenure. Instead of writing that you dropped of flowers at sororities and drove them to class on valentine’s day, say you were Director of Inter Organization Relations.

      Running the parking lot and collecting money on game days, then blocking it off when it’s full and direct depositing the $$$ to the liquor store. The previous description sounds like shit, Vice President of Fundraising and Director of Real Estate Management. Both of those jobs titles were performed this just sounds more professional.

      Don’t fucking lie on a resume, ridiculous way to lose a job and it happened to a buddy of mine. They check up more than you would think, this is just a particularly hard area to prove.

      13 years ago at 12:49 am
    2. Alpha Frat

      I agree with fratface. The “Create” section should only be there as a joke. People that are true to themselves will eventually be better off.

      13 years ago at 9:17 am
  4. PhuckEue

    This shit sucks. If one of my guys asked me to vouch for him doing XXX as President and I knew he was full of shit, I’d tell him to suck his own dick and man up. If the only way you can cultivate professional resources is by polishing your turd resume, then you obviously went to a public school.

    13 years ago at 2:49 pm