Bentley Drummle While skiing is frat, I was actually referring to the soft drink. 14 years ago at 5:41 pm
wasbrotestant what is oxycotton? is that what they called it in your RA training 14 years ago at 9:05 am
Same Assholes Everywhere It’s actually oxycontin dumbasses. And he was referring to blow…ski, white lady, coke, etc… 14 years ago at 5:38 am
Bourbon and Ski TFM
14 years ago at 1:22 pmWinter sports. TFM
14 years ago at 4:48 pmWhile skiing is frat, I was actually referring to the soft drink.
14 years ago at 5:41 pmOxycotton is not a TFM. It’s for junkies you skumbag.
14 years ago at 3:39 pmAll drugs are for GDIs and scumbags.
14 years ago at 4:13 pm“coke” is not oxycotton, Jackass…
14 years ago at 5:44 pmwhat is oxycotton? is that what they called it in your RA training
14 years ago at 9:05 amIt’s actually oxycontin dumbasses. And he was referring to blow…ski, white lady, coke, etc…
14 years ago at 5:38 am