Richmond Overreacts To Lame Kappa Alpha Email, Cancels All IFC Events For The Weekend


Monday, the Kappa Alpha Order chapter at the University of Richmond was suspended by its nationals and the university over a very forgettable email that ended with an extremely stale fart of a joke about fathers being afraid to send their daughters away to college. Now, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) at Richmond is suspending lodge events for all fraternities this upcoming weekend.

From NBC 12:

We learned this morning of an email from two members of the Kappa Alpha National Fraternity that was sent to about 100 students on campus. The e-mail contained grossly offensive language and suggestions of behavior inconsistent with our policies concerning Greek life and with the caring nature of our campus community. As a result, the University has suspended all chapter operations, activities, and events pending a thorough investigation. We have also contacted the national Kappa Alpha Headquarters, which promptly suspended the chapter while it conducts its own membership review and investigation. University administration will be meeting with Greek leadership to discuss the suspension and to reiterate our expectations for Greek Life, which include standards of behavior, sustaining a respectful and safe campus climate, and the core values of service, leadership, scholarship and fellowship.

The only thing that was particularly offensive with the entire message was how it grossly lacked any originality. I bet the kid that sent it’s whole “sense of humor” is misquoting Will Ferrell movies and following it with, “Do you remember that one, you guys?”

Regardless, it’s outrage over absolutely nothing. Yes, I’m fully aware that there have been some mishandlings by Richmond faculty over recent rape allegations, but lumping this stupid email into the same stratosphere as real world sexual assault crimes is downright reckless. I can not stress that enough. You’re actually hurting victims of sexual assault and rape every time you bring attention to these non-stories because you’re flooding the market with bullshit and the legitimate cases are getting swept the wayside.

Not to mention looking at sentences like “Tonight’s the type of night that makes fathers afraid to send their daughters away to school. Let’s get it” and immediately jumping to rape instead of consensual sex says 100 percent more about the type of fucked up individual you are than it does the (lame) fraternity member that originally sent it.

What, girls can’t go wild and let loose sexually in college out of their own free will? Dad’s aren’t terrified that their daughters are actually the ones initiating mutually agreed upon sex? Maybe be a little more open minded, you misogynists.

Sorry for getting somewhat serious on you guys for a minute there. I’d much rather continue writing the dick jokes and satirical takes you come to the site for on a daily basis, but some big time journalist over at Elite Daily thinks I’m a “reporter,” so I’m trying to act the part.

Hey Sempai, I didn’t go to school for writing, but isn’t actually attributing direct quotes to the name that said it, like, day one stuff? Just asking. You’re the MFA after all. Though you might want to work on that self-appointed “humor writer” title. Comparing this email to the Brock Turner situation didn’t quite tickle the funny bone, personally. But what do I know? I’ve only been doing this for 2.5 years and you’re the one with the “massive” social media following. Keep doing you, player.

[via NBC 12]

Image via The Collegian

  1. Ron_Paul_2016

    I was born in the wrong generation. It’s crazy how the university system has changed for the worse.

    8 years ago at 5:15 pm
    1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

      Amazing how much influence the loud minority has over the silent majority

      8 years ago at 5:25 pm
      1. Oldjon

        Its because we have become a nation that is more influenced by emotions than facts. If someone gets pussy hurt over something, it’s the offenders fault regardless of the situation. Educated discussions and a willingness to see things in another light have been replaced by factless witch hunts and needless apologies.

        8 years ago at 5:37 pm
      2. SharkWeekTFM

        Too right. That goes for the both of the two big political parties.

        3 or more parties would solve so many problems.

        My fraternity had 3 or more parties a WEEK let alone every 4 years.

        8 years ago at 9:24 am
      1. ToPrepOrNotToPrep

        Mainly, you don’t give a single fuck about what other people say or think.

        8 years ago at 7:06 pm
  2. Kramer Smash

    As far as the elite daily article goes, let’s put the “1 in 5” myth to bed. it was based on a two – college survey with a particularly low response rate. 1 in 5 would make college campuses the most dangerous place on earth for women.

    8 years ago at 5:36 pm
    1. Coolnamewastaken

      When, in fact, they are among the safest places for women. These surveys actually consider overhearing a joke you find offensive to be sexual assault. But don’t expect facts to get in the way of the “rape culture” narrative.

      8 years ago at 7:27 pm
      1. Kramer Smash

        The threshold for them is unwanted contact. The survey considers getting your ass grabbed at a party or being kissed to be sexual assault. Under such a broad definition, I know plenty of guys who’ve been “assaulted” by drink girls.

        8 years ago at 9:12 pm
      2. thaisticktony

        They did one at my school and it was if you feel you’ve been looked at inappropriately or brushed up against at a party. Like sorry bitch your not hot I’m just trying to get past you to get another beer.

        8 years ago at 10:20 pm
      3. FranklinHowardStogie

        As Steven Crowder once put it, if the 1 in 5 stat was true then college campuses would be as dangerous as the, “war torn Congo.”

        8 years ago at 7:51 am
  3. What Is Haze Prevention

    When the first action is an overreaction, then you need to fix Greek life

    8 years ago at 5:47 pm
  4. Lou Holtz Lisp

    tl;dr U of R doesn’t support virgins in bed. Citing University policy: Anything that can be bought with your divorced parents money, should be.

    8 years ago at 12:59 am
  5. MuChapter

    They really found the most head-in-ass liberal PC piece of shit to write that Elite Daily article. Fuck. Him.

    8 years ago at 4:01 pm