Road-Raging Trump Supporter Drops The N-Word A Million Times In Black Guy’s Face
Yeah so this video sucks.
YouTube description:
In this shockingly disturbing video, a proud Trump supporter completely loses it and attacks a calm, non-aggressive black man in a fit of road rage, reminding America of the dark undercurrent of unabashed racism that flows beneath the surface of the Trump campaign.
He repeatedly calls the black driver a “n*gger* and shares a litany of racist grievances. At one point, he screams at his own wife, tells her to shut up and “be a woman,” and calls the driver a “transgender fag”… absolutely deplorable:
According to the man, Skye Lev:
“This is a prime example of why you should get out and vote! Guy got heated and decided to share w/ me what him and his family thinks about me and my people because I didn’t allow him to speed up and stop me from changing lanes in traffic. I could’ve ended up doing 20 to life over this but instead I decided to show him respect, that he clearly didn’t deserve, because I have children to be here for. Lord thank you for this patience and self control that you blessed me with! GET OUT AND VOTE PEOPLE!!!!”
The lip loaded with Copenhagen, the incessant N-bombs, the double-negatives, saying he’s not on social media “because white lives matter” (?), the citing of Boondocks, and of course the supporting of Trump — it’s all so perfectly white, southern, racist Trump supporter that you have to question its authenticity, especially, as Barstool points out, since it was published two days before election day.
But if this video is as real as it looks, holy shit. I will say that if it’s fake, dude can act. He’s a very convincing trash human.
“Hey, let me handle this. Be a woman.”
This is the main line that leads me to believe it’s staged. It’s so subtly well-played and so anti-woman-for-President that it’s almost too perfect. Of course the racist asshole Trump supporter wants his wife to stay quiet and let the men handle it. Women shouldn’t intervene in heated discussions so they certainly can’t hold the nuclear codes. White shirt, white car. Dude is all white and all Trump.
You be the judge. Real or fake?.
h/t Barstool Sports
Only white people can be racist
8 years ago at 1:51 pmGo back to Salon
8 years ago at 2:34 pmThis might be racist, but I would never call a random black dude a n***a cause I am white and I have seen the NFL.
8 years ago at 1:54 pm30,000 emails
8 years ago at 1:56 pmBlacks for Trump 2016
8 years ago at 1:59 pmThis is awful
8 years ago at 2:05 pmThis is the kid that called everyone n**** on Xbox all grown up
8 years ago at 2:10 pmGonna go ahead and say this is faked to make Trump supporters look bad, who the hell immediately declares their political affiliation in literally the first 5 seconds of a video like this. Maybe I’m just vastly underestimating the intelligence of the average voter though.
8 years ago at 2:16 pmI saw a truck on the road one day covered from head to toe in trump bumper stickers and the driver of this truck was black. Race is only a pigmentation difference in the skin. People chose their own culture and how they, act and that’s what you should judge someone on.
8 years ago at 2:21 pmJust an anecdote but I have been called a ni**er randomly on the street more than once. Politics only came into it once where a republican supporter did indeed, yell that they support trump. I know that you have a vastly different experience than I do but I don’t need a video to tell you that this happens. Also, in response to “Butanefratoil”, yes, race and culture are different. If you would like to talk about how history has shaped culture giving some groups advantages for economic prosperity over hundreds of years, that would be a more coherent argument than race is just color.
8 years ago at 5:12 pmOh, and if anyone at TFM can see these. FUCKING GIVE ME MY $500 GIFT CARD FOR WINNING A CONTEST YOU PIECES OF SHIT. IT’S BEEN OVER 3 YEARS.
8 years ago at 5:16 pmPeople who think this is a reason to vote for Hillary are 100% of the fucking problem. Nobody gives a shit about actual issues anymore it’s all about feelings.
8 years ago at 2:19 pmGood job attracting bases you need to win an election. Colossal meltdown tomorrow, Trump will be on suicide watch
8 years ago at 3:42 pmAnd no, I am not anti-Trump. Im voting for him, telling the truth is supposed to be a conservative ideal, and thats what im doing with the original post
8 years ago at 3:45 pmThanks for the land btw
8 years ago at 4:31 pmThanks for losing us, elections. Dumbfuck ://///
8 years ago at 4:52 pmWhy did you put a comma in that sentence? Dumbfuck.
8 years ago at 5:03 pmInjuns never really did grasp the concept of proper grammar
8 years ago at 6:24 pmI hope y’all enjoy your last day as free Americans. Tomorrow Hillary will win and we will all be prisoners in our own country
8 years ago at 2:19 pmBe careful you might offend the entire TFM staff talking like that
8 years ago at 2:23 pmwhat
8 years ago at 2:36 pmCoach wants to see you in his office
8 years ago at 9:20 pmDude you are such a fucking goober
8 years ago at 4:43 pmThe South Will Rise Again
8 years ago at 2:26 pm