Rush Boobs From This Week (45 Photos)

Since the dawn of the internet, fraternity members have been convincing girls to write “Rush (Insert Fraternity Here)” across their chests for promotional purposes. Over the past several months there has been a massive resurgence in the world of rush boobs, and more recently, rush ass. Here are this week’s photos…

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    1. Frattios and sperrys

      I think you’re thinking of page 6, 4th down… The bodybuilder with shoulders like a football player

      11 years ago at 9:38 am
  1. YesWayJose

    Why the fuck can the intern look at all those nips, but we cant? Fuck you limpdick intern

    11 years ago at 9:17 am
    1. Were Higher Than You

      On second thought, that’s not that bad of an idea. I fucking love honey mustard.

      11 years ago at 9:27 am
    1. FratRod

      I cant tell if you meant that in a positive or negative way, But I would take that ass for a roll in the hay.. And are those scratch marks on her back, or do my eyes decieve me?

      11 years ago at 2:02 pm
    2. No plebs need apply

      ^She’s quite the masochist. I’m sure a little never hurts that bad anyways.

      11 years ago at 6:36 pm