Ryan Lochte May Have Made Up Robbery Story, Skipped Town So Now We’ll Never Know

Ryan Lochte

Just a couple days ago, Twitter was hopped up on the news that Ryan Lochte and other members of Team USA were robbed by armed assailants posing as cops.

Hey, it’s Rio. No big surprise.

But now it turns out that there are a lot of unresolved questions about Lochte’s harrowing ordeal that might slow down his efforts to sell the made-for-TV movie rights.

From CNN:

A Brazilian judge has issued a search and seizure warrant for US Olympic swimmers Ryan Lochte and James Feigen as questions emerge about their account of being robbed at gunpoint early Sunday in Rio de Janeiro.

Police arrived Wednesday morning at the Olympic Village to take the swimmers’ passports and gather further testimony from them about the reported robbery, US Olympic Committee spokesman Patrick Sandusky said.

Innnnteresting. On first glance, it seemed to me like the other crooked cops were just bummed they didn’t get a poke at that sweet Lochte pot. Obviously, they got the judge to order the swimmers’ passports seized so the whole police force could get a fair shot at robbing them. It’s the only logical explanation.

But apparently Lochte and the other swimmers showed up at the Olympic Village later that night with most of their valuables and also were generally in good spirits, which is not how you imagine people existing if they’ve had the barrel of a gun pressed up against your forehead, as Lochte claims. Also, none of the robbers shaved that dead rat off his head, which is literally the first thing I would have done if I had Lochte at gunpoint. Very suspicious. My guess is that when you swim in the shadow of someone like Michael Phelps, you’ll do anything to get attention. That, or Lochte and the swim team were trying to cover for killing or hooker or something.

As of the seizure order, Lochte and the swimmers had already left the country. Oh well. Tough shit, Brazil. Your country sucks.

[via CNN]

Image via Instagram/@ryanlochte

  1. Dan Kweed

    They delayed reporting the robbery because they didn’t want to get in trouble and then they leave the country asap. This has drug deal gone bad written all over it.

    9 years ago at 5:00 pm
  2. Sperry Seinfeld

    If you have ever been in a life threatening situation before, you’d know that afterwards when everything is safe again you are usually revved up on adrenaline and happy as hell to be alive. Laughing and joking with your friends to ease the tension after almost getting murdered in shithole Brazil is a reasonable reaction.

    9 years ago at 6:27 pm
  3. pantyw3dge

    Lochte is actually the only one that has made it back to America. The other swimmers were in the airplane waiting to take off and were stopped and taken back to Rio by the police. Lochte is definitely full of shit he is definitely trying to cover something up like drugs, hookers, etc.

    9 years ago at 9:57 am