Hazing all my pledges until one of them admits that they are the piece of shit who posted that TPM about going to a class they weren't enrolled in so they didnt have to answer calls . . . even though i know my boys know better. TFM.

    1. Spurrier@ARMS

      Always classy – no its not frat. coming down to UGA for school while being from DC doesnt mean you can vouch – you fail

      14 years ago at 8:44 am
  1. Devotie'd to fratting

    First off, phi alpha. Secondly, southern srat, you can say Washington is not frat all you want. Fact of the matter is, we’re not geeds and I appreciate the north south rivalry. We should start a yearly competition at all the spring break locations every year riser who frats

    14 years ago at 8:36 pm
  2. Devotie'd to fratting

    First off, phi alpha. Secondly, southern srat, you can say Washington is not frat all you want. Fact of the matter is, we’re not geeds and I appreciate the north south rivalry. We should start a yearly competition at all the spring break locations every year riser who frats harder. Just because we don’t wear costas, seersuckers, or croakies doesn’t mean we’re NF. Anytime you want to witness it yourself, I’ll gladly fly you into seatac and show you whats up for a weekend

    14 years ago at 8:38 pm
    1. bro montana frpm UA

      we dont wear costa’s. we dont wear seersuckers. we dont wear croakies. aka WE ARE NF. get on our level washington

      14 years ago at 2:49 pm
    2. semperfrat

      Fuck wearing all that, put on a god damn uniform and ICB’s and graba m16a4 service rifle and be in a real frat.

      14 years ago at 11:13 pm
    3. South

      Yes, that definately means you are not frat. seersucker and costas with croakies FAF. If you are going to be in a fraternity you are supposed to look presentable. Something the north obviously does not understand.

      14 years ago at 4:13 pm
    4. Spurrier

      semperfrat – your a fucking idiot.

      devotie’d – YOU are NOT FUCKING FRAT no matter how hard you want to be you are a failure in the greek world

      14 years ago at 8:42 am