SAE Nationals Gets Ahead Of Texas Hazing Allegations, Self Imposes 4 Year Suspension

UT Austin SAE

From KXAN Austin:

The Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity chapter at the University of Texas at Austin has been suspended due to “health-and-safety concerns” according to the national chapter of the organization.
The charter for Texas Rho also failed to adhere to the national organization’s standards and expectations. The national chapter says the suspension will last until the current membership has graduated or for at least four years, depending on which comes first.

Several “hazing tips” and reports were submitted directly to SAE itself. SAE nationals have been taking their still relatively recent prohibition on hazing and new conduct policing pretty seriously, and it looks like the guys at Texas might have rocked the boat. Again, no criminal cases or other news leaks have been reported, so we have no idea what’s going on other than the stated “health and safety concerns” hinted by the national office.

This leads me to believe that SAE’s decision was probably either reactionary and overcautious, or retaliatory in some way. This isn’t the first time Texas Rho has been making sour headlines for SAE. In 2015, they beat the shit out of some old guy who came to complain about the noise at a party. While there’s no evidence that event had anything to do with the decision to pull the charter, it’s always possible that tossing a couple hazing tips into the mix would be a last straw sort of deal. Age old question: is getting forced onto the bus better than being thrown under it?

The charter has the option to be re-established after four years, and SAE has been at UT since 1882, so it doesn’t look like nationals are willing to give up on Austin entirely.

The guys obviously aren’t too happy about it, though.

[via KXAN Austin]

Image via Google Maps

  1. Fratty Couples PGA

    That exit sign, just crudely taped to the top of the gate, obviously doesn’t have any electricity flowing to it to light it up. Just screams TFM.

    7 years ago at 3:59 pm