My brother and I get birthday cards every year from our representative.

  1. zerohdcp

    he has been in office for 25+ years and was elected when democrats were conservative. and he also served when my grandfather was in the senate so yeah we are personal friends. and represents the most country county in Maryland.

    14 years ago at 5:12 am
    1. Future Value

      Country County? Say that 5 times fast! Good effort at trying to save face and your ego after you just openly admitted on a message board more conservative than Fox News that you voted democrat.

      14 years ago at 5:53 am
    2. JustusUnlimited

      Nothing is more conservative than Fox News…

      Except Ron Paul. He pretty much takes the constitutional cake.

      14 years ago at 1:35 pm
  2. Bro Girardi

    Wow, I forgot that the Maryland House of Delegates was so prestigious. Next time put “state” representative

    14 years ago at 9:16 am
    1. Bronan the Barbarian

      Yea, it’s in St. Mary’s, if I remember right. I try to avoid the county, honestly. It’s country, but it’s hickville country. All the rich southern families that still live in the state settled in Calvert.

      In any case, there’s nothing to do in either county, the bars suck, there are no clubs, the golfing is shitty, so you have to go up to Congressional to play a good game on a course that doesn’t blow and both counties have their fair share of ignorant rednecks.

      14 years ago at 11:48 am
    2. zerohdcp

      Its in Charles ya tard, and PG is for niggs, nothing frat about it and the fact you said “moco” makes you a complete loser.

      14 years ago at 5:17 am
  3. Bid

    I would like to formally call out JustusUnlimited. Please, try to limit responses to a post. 6 per comments section is a little much in two days.

    14 years ago at 1:42 pm
  4. Waytoofrat

    It’s a state rep from 29A in MD, underdeveloped and poor southern white trash Maryland NF. It’s nothing special that they have their intern send you a template letter. If it was personalized and from your congressmen then maybe it would be a TFM but this is far from that.

    14 years ago at 2:55 pm