Sarah Palin: “Waterboarding Is How We Baptize Terrorists”

      1. Call sign_Goose

        “and russia”…..we may be well-off degenerates teetering on the edge of alcoholism but we have morals, kid….Jesus.

        11 years ago at 12:01 am
      1. TheFratanicVerses

        Not to mention the U.S. Islands, which is what they’ll be called after we defile them

        11 years ago at 5:23 pm
    1. scott22

      It’s not about feelings, it’s about how torturing prisoners of war goes against the geneva conventions. Something you should know about from your picture

      11 years ago at 8:23 pm
      1. scott22

        Start disregarding the GC and so will everyone else and they’ll start torturing our soldiers. I don’t like terrorists. I also don’t like soldiers being tortured.

        11 years ago at 10:50 am
      2. ReaganYourMomsBush

        Whoa whoa whoa, as if any enemy combatants America has been in conflict with since the GC was adopted has ever not tortured our soldiers??? This fuckin guy.

        11 years ago at 11:21 am
      3. Sand_Hill_Alum

        i dont give a flying fuck about some fucking towel head that has blown up my brothers while using innocent civilians as human shields because theyre such cowards to not face us like a real soldier. they arent soldiers. using special information extraction methods (i.e. waterboarding) helps us protect the lives of others.

        11 years ago at 6:41 pm
  1. SlutsWillbeSluts

    Wow, she actually made me feel like an idiot for being a Republican for the briefest of moments. Thank God for our far superior economic policy to keep me in check.

    11 years ago at 5:00 pm
    1. BlueRidgeFrat

      I wonder how many Monica Lewinsky’s she had to pull to get where she is today. Over/Under 75?

      11 years ago at 9:06 pm
  2. rcamp_04

    If you don’t 100% agree with her statements in this video then you are a pussy and a liberal

    11 years ago at 5:23 pm
  3. Fratimus_Prime

    Christ, the fact she holds any weight in this country’s decision making is why i drink.

    11 years ago at 8:19 pm
  4. JordanBelfort

    I submitted this about a day ago, but of course it didn’t get posted. I hope you gag on your fucking toothbrush Dorn.

    11 years ago at 10:24 pm