Sigma Nu At Washington State Doesn’t Just Have A House, They Have A Fucking Mansion

  1. TheBionicFrock

    So am I the only one who doesn’t understand the idea of freshman living in the house?

    8 years ago at 12:42 pm
      1. authentic_con

        As a WSU student, it’s not normal here. Only the handful of dry houses even allow it.

        8 years ago at 1:26 pm
      2. authentic_con

        One that doesn’t allow alcohol or drinking in the chapter house, Sig Nu is one of them.

        I have no idea why anyone would do this.

        8 years ago at 2:41 pm
  2. Chadwick Brice

    That dude at 2:45 with his shirt unbuttoned looks like a raging douchenozzle

    8 years ago at 5:13 pm