An alumnus ruined a pair of $250 pants rolling down a hill in a tractor tire. At 6am on a Tuesday. TFM.

  1. Sasha_

    lol yayyy !!! i just made the first comment !!!! wooot !!!! id like to thank firstpostox becuz youve really given me the inspiration to do this and be first. if ur not first ur last !!!! i love u guys here on u guys r all my bros lol !!!! alritey guyz I best get goin now ! l8r #doods. Byeeee -sasha

    12 years ago at 2:18 pm
    1. mrwhiskers

      Jarrod does take his slam with him to the show unlike the other people on the show…

      12 years ago at 6:34 pm
  2. TKEpledge

    So wait, you’re saying you guys drink and have fun no matter WHAT day of the week it is? EVEN IN SUMMER?
    SO. COOL!! 😀

    12 years ago at 2:53 pm
    1. mrwhiskers

      ^ He’s a freakin pledge for TKE! he’s practically a geed. When he gets initiated he’ll be a TKE, which means he’ll still be practically a geed

      12 years ago at 3:32 pm
  3. JamesWestfall


    12 years ago at 4:23 pm