The SJW Offended By Fitness Freaks At Colorado College Is The Only SJW I Have Ever Agreed With


A student at Colorado College penned a scathing piece in the campus rag, Feminist Wire, complaining about how the school is overflowing with healthy dining options and fitness programs. The problem? All that healthy mumbo jumbo perpetuates a culture of body-shaming.

From National Review:

“Several aspects of the CC community such as numerous healthy eating habits, gym programs, and outdoor activities, foster a culture of body shaming even for male students,” Jade Pearl Frost, a senior who is a double major in feminist and gender studies and English, writes in a piece for the Feminist Wire.

“While I am not suggesting that these aspects are detrimental in and of themselves, I argue that the College values these things in ways that are overwhelming and exclusionary,” she adds.

Surprisingly enough, I fully support this Bowl Cut’s hot take.

I’m sick of all these “I-sexually-identify-as-a-tree” Vegans flaunting their kombucha quinoa foraged berry kale salads served in a mason jar on Instagram, looking down on me as I wipe my mouth with a McDonald’s bag. And I’m sick of all these gym-selfie-taking #fitlife douchebags posting their motivational quotes on Facebook like anyone gives a fuck — I saw one the other day that said “I’m going to make you proud — note to self.” It made me vomit (only partly because of the six Hot Pockets I had just eaten).

The worst part? At the rate we’re going, these healthy options on college campuses won’t be options much longer — they’ll be the only fucking thing you can order. Kent State just opened a gluten free dining hall. NO GLUTEN IN AN ENTIRE COLLEGE DINING HALL. You know what foods have gluten in them? The edible kinds.

So yeah, I agree with the Social Justice Warrior on this one. Self-obsessed, over-posting fitness freaks trigger me and they must be stopped. I’ll be at my safe space in the Whataburger off of Barton Springs in Austin if anyone wants to join me and hash out these feelings. Non lettuce-based menu items and body positivity are welcome.

[via National Review]

Image via Shutterstock

  1. Jingles

    Why the fuck would you follow somebody who posts pictures of kale on Instagram?

    8 years ago at 4:26 pm
  2. RisingFratstarOfTX

    Triple mean and cheese with fries and a root beer shake. Fuck veganism

    8 years ago at 4:27 pm
  3. Coolnamewastaken

    That fat bitch looks like Princess Fiona from the Shrek movies, except fatter, no wonder she’s jealous of fit women.

    8 years ago at 4:40 pm
  4. Edgar_Allen_Bro24

    Does this mean we can pit SJWs against SJWs and just let them take each other out?

    8 years ago at 4:55 pm
    1. FrayettevilleLegend

      Vegan Sluts v. Lesbian Bowl Cuts. It’s basically a wrestlemania headline.

      8 years ago at 9:59 pm
  5. Asian Guy

    The best way to not be fat is to eat less. Just serve smaller portions, don’t give me kale and quinoa. who even eats that stuff?

    8 years ago at 5:05 pm
  6. J.W. Dundee

    Her parents shell out a few hundred grand for little miss bull dyke to double major in feminist and gender studies, and she still finds room to bitch about it. TLiberalM.

    8 years ago at 5:10 pm
  7. MuscleyArms

    Two relevant majors that will guarantee employment upon graduation. She’ll have no problem paying off those student loans.

    8 years ago at 5:12 pm
    1. MichaelBurry

      She’s going to blame the patriarchy for her lack of employment opportunities.

      8 years ago at 5:59 am
    2. SackMaster

      This is why college fees should never be free. Forget equality for the economically disadvantaged, why should the tax payer front the bill for such a useless degree?

      8 years ago at 7:25 am
  8. Gun_Slinger

    SJW females are typically fat, ugly, and pissed cause they can’t get dicked.

    8 years ago at 5:19 pm