Shooting 1,000 doves in Argentina with your dad over the course of 4 days. TFM.

  1. BroMontanaClassOf14

    250 12ga shots per day average? And that’s if you don’t miss once. Seems kinda fake to me. Not to mention your shoulder not falling apart after the 2nd day…

    14 years ago at 10:45 am
    1. Fratterson Perrin

      Plus in Argentina they usually use 20ga because then you shoot at least a case a day and they get more money…

      14 years ago at 12:17 pm
  2. Fratterson Perrin

    You only got 1000 in 4 days?! I got over 2400 in two days. My group of 6 got 14,808 over those two days too… Did you go to the Cordoba province or the beach?

    14 years ago at 11:20 am
  3. FordFrat150

    The first time I went to Cordoba I was 13, and even I got 1000 club. I sure hope you meant 1,000 a day or NF.

    14 years ago at 1:40 pm
  4. Fratterson Sperrin

    You’re not even in college or a frat. Get out of here. High School Tool.

    14 years ago at 9:16 pm
    1. Fratterson Perrin

      True. I’m sorry sir. You might as well complain to the kid who posted this too

      14 years ago at 11:14 am