Geed asked me how much I bet on the game? I told him a stack of high society. He gave me a blank stare until I told him it was the equivalent of his Dad's annual income. TFM.

    1. Corporate

      I’m a bookie at my college. I’m in a fraternity and I hate geeds but all of the kids in fraternities always talk such a big game about how much money they wager but the biggest bet they ever want to place is like 50 dollars hahah. I was betting 500 a game when I was in middle school this kid probally put 10 bucks on that game

      14 years ago at 4:41 am
    2. Tony Fucking Soprano Up There

      ^ Wow. I though I was badass for putting my dunkaroos on the line when I was a kid. You must be really fucking cool to throw down fat stacks like that. Like if you would bet that much back then, you must bet millions now. Millions!?!?! You Mr. Soprano, and the rest of your mafia/bookie friends are FaF.

      14 years ago at 4:46 am