Living like there are no consequences. My Dad and my lawyer have assured me there aren't. TFM. Fratty Fratterton IV14 years ago
Fratty Fratterton IV My dad’s money and my future money can. I think Magic Johnson has proved that already. 14 years ago at 1:08 pm
Your Lawyer vs. My Lawyer.
14 years ago at 10:28 amYour father being the lawyer.
14 years ago at 12:09 pmNeither of those can stop the consequences of aids though
14 years ago at 12:31 pmMy dad’s money and my future money can. I think Magic Johnson has proved that already.
14 years ago at 1:08 pmBEST ONE YET, KEEP ON FRATTIN HARD
14 years ago at 11:27 pmsomeone’s drunk
14 years ago at 11:31 pmas am i of course
14 years ago at 11:31 pm