Soccer Goalie Gets Red Card For Punching Opposing Forward So He Curb Stomps Him Too

  1. Butanefratoil

    Grandex removed our comments from Total Fart Movie because they know it sucks

    8 years ago at 6:49 pm
  2. TaylorSwiftsPubeGroomer

    If there’s one thing in this world I can’t stand it’s fucking soccer, and I hate when people do it around me.

    – Kenny Fuckin’ Powers

    8 years ago at 7:19 pm
  3. Runk1855

    If this happened in hockey, that guy would have been murderer by the other team and fanbase

    8 years ago at 7:27 pm
  4. Bill_Oreilly_FaF

    The fact that this didn’t start a brawl shows why soccer will never take off in America.

    8 years ago at 8:57 pm
  5. Big Dumb Idiot

    Who gives a fuck about a bunch of terrorists playing pussy ass soccer?

    8 years ago at 8:49 am