South African Brewery Releases Awesome Anti-Hipster Ads, Proves That Hipster Hate Is International

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Politics and all of the bullshit that comes along with it can divide us as a nation, and even more so as a planet. Thankfully, there is one thing on Earth that can bring us all together in peaceful harmony: hating hipsters.

A South African brewery has developed a fail-proof method of attracting new business: covering the city in ads decrying the existence of hipsters. It’s a fight that everyone can support, and since the hipster population is so laughably small, it won’t do any real damage to the brewery’s business if it excludes hipsters from the target audience. It is pure fucking brilliance.

It appears Garagista Beer Company has only been in business for several months, but it has already released a string of awesome, anti-hipster ads.

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I can only hope and dream to see this catch on here in the States one day.

Fuck hipsters.

[via Ad Week]

Image via Garagista Beer Co.

  1. navysprague

    While you were putting on clothes that don’t match we were mixing ingredients that go together. ALL BEER NO BULL SHIT

    11 years ago at 12:31 pm
  2. puffdaddy

    There’s no wrong way to drink beer. There are better and worse ways, but there are no wrong ways.

    11 years ago at 12:38 pm
  3. Awful_Pledge_Name

    I want a bottle of this right now just because I fucking hate hipsters.

    11 years ago at 4:24 pm