Working for a top investment bank. Never had to fill out an application. TFM.

    1. Southern Broper

      If you’re going to come back with something, at least make sure YOU’RE using the correct word..geed.

      14 years ago at 12:20 pm
  1. Another Banker

    Yeah, that doesn’t happen at any BB. Maybe some shitty regional boutique.

    14 years ago at 3:22 pm
  2. GWB

    I generally don’t enjoy getting in pissing matches with liars, but I feel obligated to address this moronic claim. In order to get hired at any IB you’ll need to formally apply in order to obtain clearance from the SEC (not the football conference…the REAL SEC). Anyone actually working in the industry would find your claim to be as comical as I did.

    Attending your father’s take-your-son-to-work-day is not the same thing as being hired.

    Cute story though.

    14 years ago at 5:28 pm
    1. T

      If you had such great connections you would go straight to PE. Same (if not more) money and better hours.

      Regardless this is a lie (see above).

      14 years ago at 10:47 pm