Parking my Z71 in the Hybrid parking spot because I deserve to be closer to the building. TFM.

  1. FraTexas

    Parking my car as far from the door as possible so that it doesn’t get dinged up. TFM

    Unless you have the opportunity to piss off liberal hippy geeds. Now parking close becomes a TFM.

    14 years ago at 8:03 pm
  2. Before I begin, id like to point out that i DON’T have a hybrid, im a registered Republican and i am not a hippie…………..Now as we all know Hunting, Fishing, Golf, etc are all activities that are done OUTSIDE. They are all considered FAF when done in a respectable manner. Hybrids are better for the enviroment and help with the conservation of the planet so we can enjoy these activities. So how can brag about how “frat” these things are and then turn around and ridicule something that protect the enviroment in which they are done. Just seems like a pointless to make fraternity “gentleman” look like anything but.

    JEB BUSH 2012

    14 years ago at 8:11 pm
    1. fratticuspinch

      how in the fuck is hunting good for the environment? fuck you and the environment owlbone

      14 years ago at 8:55 pm
    2. Livet

      You really think hunting is bad for the environment?? Wildlife management you ignorant fuck.

      14 years ago at 9:09 pm
    3. Did you all seriously miss the entire point of that post!? I meant why does everyone spend so much time making fun of hybrids if they’re good for the enviroment? Everyone obviously enjoys doing things outside so whats wrong with preserving it. Idiots.

      14 years ago at 9:44 pm
    4. Doogie Fratter MD

      As it turns out, the production process for the nickel which goes into Prius batteries is significantly worse for the environment than emissions from any car. Nice try though.

      14 years ago at 10:37 pm
  3. Frattiesburg

    WTF is this shit?

    I don’t know what GDI school you go to, but it obviously isn’t Southern Miss.

    14 years ago at 7:39 pm
  4. TheFRat Pack

    Firstly Hybrids are NF and don’t save the environment because any good republican knows global warming is from natural causes. Secondly FratDaddys prefer American or European Autos, send your rice burner back to Japan and get a Real car.

    14 years ago at 1:34 am
  5. DarthBroder

    1st off…. Phi Alpha. secondly. the poster is talking about a Z71 Chevrolet Tahoe TRUCK. smart one.

    14 years ago at 8:42 pm