Spurs owner Peter Holt reminding his team full of foreigners that America is the best country in the world. TFM.

  1. scoobyfrye

    That’s why we won the most medals at the last 6 Olympics right? Just because you’re a fat GDI doesn’t mean that we aren’t the best. I know you’re from Pennsylvania so you probably don’t know what going outside or seeing physically fit people is like.

    10 years ago at 12:47 pm
    1. scoobyfrye

      America is the back to back world war champ. Whatever communist shithole you’re from(probably France) has plenty of mentally challenged like yourself.

      10 years ago at 4:09 pm
      1. McChubbies

        Go fuck yourself kid. The way you are representing yourself makes it apparent that you are a geed who needs to get the fuck off TFM. America is, and always will be, the greatest country ever!

        10 years ago at 7:11 pm
      2. DownRange

        France is an allied force for America dumb ass they aren’t communist fulfill you’re patriotic duty and learn your shit!

        10 years ago at 1:06 am
      3. DownRange

        America didn’t lose in Iraq the shit hole president fucked us over but our troops still did one slam up job

        10 years ago at 1:08 am
  2. BroSoHard

    If you think America isn’t the greatest country in the world then you’re obviously mentally challenged.

    10 years ago at 2:52 pm