Survey: 1 In 4 Men Fake Orgasms

I never quite understood why a woman would fake an orgasm. It seems more self-defeating than anything – not only does she not get what she wants, but you never learn what really gets her there, ensuring future letdowns. Still, I’m not going to pretend to understand women. If she wants to ruin her own enjoyment, that’s her problem.

What blows my mind is that there are guys out here that fake blowing their loads as well. If two surveys by are to be believed, not only did 22% of men report faking an orgasm, but divorced men are 67% more likely to do so on top of it.

I’m calling bullshit. After all, unless you’re wearing a condom, it’s kind of a difficult thing to fake for a guy. The proof is ultimately going to end up in something or on something. On top of that, being blue-balled by accident is bad enough. Willingly doing it to yourself is taking masochism to an entirely new level. Unless you’re extremely intoxicated or wearing one of those aforementioned rubbers, it’s not that difficult for a guy to get off. Faking it simply seems unnecessary, especially with other options at your disposal such as just passing out or resorting to other measures, respectively.

The NBC News article claims, “The fear is that not having an orgasm – and telling the truth about it – could generate anxiety in their partner and invite endless discussion.” Of course, maybe if you let her know, she’d try something different.

I understand not being able to get there sometimes. It’s frustrating, and usually rare, but it happens for whatever reason. Pretending to get there just so you can stop trying though? You should be embarrassed to call yourself a man.

[via NBC News]


  1. DrFratlove

    In a world where everyone gets a trophy for participating, why would sex be any different? Letting her think she did a good job. RFM

    11 years ago at 5:47 am
  2. snobro

    Ah the unruly, tensionless loose vagina, the primary reason why a man may not be able to get off. It can be pounded for hours but once you’re hammered, forget about getting off. You might as well just sleep it off and try again in the morning.

    11 years ago at 10:30 am