Getting with my slampiece on the roof of a building in broad daylight. TFM.

  1. BroTie

    The Star and Crescent shall not be worn by every man, but only by him who is worthy to wear it. He must be a gentleman… a man of honor and courage… a man of zeal, yet humble… an intelligent man…a man of truth… one who tempers action with wisdom and, above all else, one who walks in the light of God.

    Kinda forgot about that didn’t you?

    14 years ago at 12:04 pm
    1. TFM Doug

      Second that Fratarn Smith. Nobody does half these things that are actually on the site if so they are clearly not a gentlemen.

      14 years ago at 2:12 pm
    2. BGriffin of Slamming

      Fratopia- Your God complex is showing your overwhelming arrogance (and lies).

      14 years ago at 7:53 am
  2. Keepin it Fratty

    Haha have to say this was a very bold move sir. But now you’re a geed and your chapter is fucked. Congratulations. If you put my chapter in jeopardy like this for a 3 minute slam sesh I would punch you in the throat.

    14 years ago at 1:08 pm
  3. uscfrater

    Kappa Sig at USC is NF and you are a lowly geed now. Better stock up on graphic tees and cargo shorts so you can make new friends.

    14 years ago at 1:20 pm
    1. Lane Kiffin

      usc is a private school. It draws the richest kids from texas, california, etc.

      This leads to a pretty conservative greek system. However, Kappa Sig is about as fratty as Charlie weiss.

      uofa… honestly just go away. youre the shit stain of the pac 10 and your college is 20 miles from the border of mexico and it shows

      14 years ago at 1:58 pm
  4. 1839

    there’s a difference between a TFM and a being a reckless idiot, i bet the rest of your chapter is really pleased with you right now.

    14 years ago at 1:47 pm
  5. Bye Bye GDI

    I’m sure this went over a whole lot better in your head when you thought about it. However, the next time you have a thought just let it go.

    14 years ago at 2:33 pm