A Frattest H Agreed. How the hell did this make it to the wall? Oh right, Texas. 14 years ago at 5:46 pm
Frattiesburg retarted, huh? Guess that means you reapply icing to pastries or something. 14 years ago at 6:11 pm
Well you just got to be retarted to do that.
14 years ago at 5:11 pmAgreed. How the hell did this make it to the wall? Oh right, Texas.
14 years ago at 5:46 pmand what white trash geed state do you call home?
14 years ago at 5:49 pmProbably some jealous douche from Oklahoma
14 years ago at 6:09 pmretarted, huh?
Guess that means you reapply icing to pastries or something.
14 years ago at 6:11 pm^ this. If you made it up that is
13 years ago at 11:46 pmthey have big belts down there
14 years ago at 5:58 pmI usually wear suspenders myself.
14 years ago at 7:54 pm