Mom made me keep my Sperry's in the garage over break because they smelled so bad. TFM.

  1. USfrAt

    The help put my Sperrys in the garage without asking because of the smell. She was let go. TFM.

    14 years ago at 2:41 am
  2. Sir fratsalot

    Just got on this website first time in 2 weeks cause it’s full of gdis like you who can’t even come up with there own name what college do you go to here in Texas so I can come haze ur ass I’m in texas too and I the first and only sir fratsalot get hazes son cause you can’t come up with something on ur own how does it feel to know you copied my name and try to hide behind it because ur a small Greek douche bag

    14 years ago at 6:00 pm
  3. Sir fratsalot

    Go make ur own name this website is main stream now we have people like you not frat enough to make ur own name… You probably go to north Texas or one of those small tier go create you own name so you can give ur self a little bit of credit GDI

    14 years ago at 6:05 pm