Pledge brother referred his slams to me while he studies abroad this semester. It's called brotherhood. TFM.

    1. Moose_

      Didn’t say it was good, just better than most of the other shit that’s been posted.

      13 years ago at 2:31 pm
  1. MightBePike

    Dude, it’s better then letting them go to some other house, supposing they are decent slams to begin with. And while studying abroad sounds NF it usually translates (if you’ll pardon my french) to fucking randos on a level of debauchery you could never get away with somewhere that people know you.

    It’s like being Zoro of anal and 3 ways.

    13 years ago at 7:54 am
    1. Rooski1586

      Yeah, but see a slam is just that. A piece of ass that you take from other houses, preferably dating someone from said house.

      13 years ago at 9:29 am
  2. Elihu Smails

    I swear to God you better not be talking about Lacey! I’ll sink you faster than my boat!

    13 years ago at 12:48 pm
  3. Today I Fratted

    Borrowing is the reason why are nation is in so much trouble to begin with.

    13 years ago at 1:52 pm
    1. The 21st

      He has to “refer” his brother more slams after he gets back because of the interest rate on the borrowed slams.

      13 years ago at 10:44 am