1. Confrateracy

      Good luck finding a six figure job with your connections in your business fraternity.

      14 years ago at 5:12 am
    2. fratticus maximus

      i see your future… it involves a cubicle, hefty wife, and crying every time your team loses.

      14 years ago at 5:38 am
    3. Bro J Simpson

      It seems to me there would be a lot of connections in a business fraternity at the school tied for having the most Fortune 500 CEOs.

      14 years ago at 5:44 am
  1. Poop

    hahahaha at this kid who posts the link.

    sounds like a sore loser. Also, thanks, but I already have a job waiting this summer. And no, you will not haze me in the workforce because I don’t plan on working for your mother’s shithole dairy farm.

    14 years ago at 6:33 am
  2. Back to the kitchen

    Please tell me you’re a Longhorn, Fratural Light… just one question… how’s bowling? No other Texas school should write, TCU is the step-child of the state and they showed every other school in Texas up…. No room to comment.

    14 years ago at 7:40 am
    1. txfrat

      hope you enjoy being smu’s safety school. and i won’t even start comparing tcu to ut…

      14 years ago at 11:23 am
  3. the great frat of texas

    I think ill stay put with gov perry bringing in businesses from all the failing states. and there are more fortune 500 companies based in the DFW area than any other metroplex. oh and i like my texas women.

    14 years ago at 9:01 am
  4. Jail

    I didnt see one decent look Wisconsin woman. Every time I thought there was a good looking one, she turned around and was a major butterface.

    Watching Wisconsin fans drool over the TCU Showgirls was hilarious. And yet there’s even hotter here. Sucks to be Wisconsin.

    14 years ago at 7:42 pm