No I don't want to play ultimate frisbee with you geed. My dad got Troy Aikman to show me how to sling the pigskin. TFM.

    1. Keepin it Fratty

      Just bc it might be a weak chapter at your school doesn’t mean it’s not a badass fraternity. You just have to go to the right places. In ZAX.

      14 years ago at 12:43 pm
  1. costa del frat

    Geeds ask you to play ultimate frisbee? I’m not even going to say NF, I just feel sorry for your lower tier ass.

    14 years ago at 1:39 am
  2. Frat Sajak

    You had to have someone show you how to throw a football… and you live in Texas..?

    14 years ago at 5:33 pm