Today I have driven 200 miles, dragged a cooler through 2 miles of beach sand, my iPhone took a swim, and I had to build an active a chair out of sand even though he never sat in it. Happy Spring Break to me. TPM.

  1. Brozette

    Get this trash off here. wtf are you thinking tfm pledges? pledge move? idiot tfm pledges.

    14 years ago at 9:48 pm
  2. Grizzly LCWG

    This site is call total frat move for a reason. Maybe If it was total pladge move someone would give a fuck, but it’s not. Pledges should only speak when spoken to.

    14 years ago at 12:16 am
  3. Frataholic

    Can we get a separate TPM tab now? I mean they’re funny I guess, but whining pledges just puts me in a hazement mood.

    14 years ago at 5:21 pm