Today I have driven 200 miles, dragged a cooler through 2 miles of beach sand, my iPhone took a swim, and I had to build an active a chair out of sand even though he never sat in it. Happy Spring Break to me. TPM.

  1. Bro Pesci

    It shouldn’t be too hard to figure out if this pledge belongs to you. If he does, blackout and haze hard.

    14 years ago at 6:16 pm
  2. William Taog

    That’s my pledge. If there is any more whining you will drive back to Alabama alone to build me a new sand chair, take a picture of it, and then return to Texas after you stop at every chapter house in between and inform them you are a pledge. If you make it back alive, we will consider initiating you. TFM.

    14 years ago at 8:54 am