1. Tiger Blood

      Don’t be angry just because this video reinforced the fact that every person at your school is an ignorant fuck.

      12 years ago at 3:19 pm
  1. futureleader14

    Ladies and gentlemen, the shining beacon of intellectual advancement that is the University of Mississippi.

    12 years ago at 3:20 pm
    1. Danny Devitbro

      I feel like DAB is going to go on a multi-state shooting spree within the next three years.

      12 years ago at 8:03 pm
    2. ThinkThereforeFRAT

      David’s right. It’s very obvious here just how hard some of those people are trying. Similarly, there are a lot of people who just don’t get it; they demonstrate the degree to which so many of the incoming kids treat TFM like it’s the Frat Bible and not the humor community it is meant to be (and is for a majority of us…..hopefully).

      The hosts are a bunch of borderline hipsters ironically dressing up like MS tailgaters, not to say they didn’t make an entertaining video.

      12 years ago at 8:54 pm