Who cares about what's happening in Egypt? I live in America. TFM.

  1. Kappa4life

    Want to know Americas main source of oil? Middle East. Meaning Daddy wouldnt be so happy. It would effect your trust fund. Muslim Brotherhood are a major threat to USA. Love America? Learn whats happening.

    14 years ago at 10:45 am
    1. Robert S Fratnamara

      Actually, we buy more oil from the Canadians and South America than we do the Middle East…

      14 years ago at 12:16 am
  2. lordof69

    Studying abroad in Egypt currently.. revolution happens and ALL of Americans studying abroad here flee (about 400 or so geeds), and I believe just about all of them were liberal pussies here doing middle eastern studies or poli sci.. only two who stayed, me and my roommate, and who would of guessed but both respective fratstars. Raged hard here with the Egyptians all semester but can’t wait to come back home to the best country.

    13 years ago at 4:12 am