its never frat to wear sperrys at all. sorry. anything that high schoolers wear (sperry, polo, north face) needs to go to goodwill. grow up and buy some nice clothes and shoes GDI
ok this guy is trying waaaayyyyy to hard. First off let me point to you that 95% of people in frats could go and buy gucci etc but they dont because we arent trying to look like douche bags. Polo Sperry ETC is clothing that we wear because it looks nice and its also good to get wasted in. It seems like if you think this kind of clothing is trash you are a stupid GDI and are probably not in a frat at all
I agree with Frat and natty. GDIs wear everything except the really expensive designers. I am still gonna wear my sperry, polos, and north face and be proud that I am frattin it up. I agree that northface is becoming not as fratty, but they still have fratty jackets.
haha Gucci? who in the hell ever said anything about Gucci? I’m talking about VV, Brooks Brothers, Peter Millar, Coast, etc. Everyone of the companies I mentioned abover were created for fratdaddies to wear. Polo on the other hand, was extremely frat about 15 years ago and now they started making these huge horse and number american eagle clothes. On to the shoes, every kid from age 10-18 has a pair of sperrys. Grow up. If you are looking for something to wear comfortably to class (which i’m assuming that is why you wear sperrys because if you ever wear sperrys with a tie or jacket you should be shot) then you can never go wrong with frat cleats (cole haan gunnison moc), chacos, aasics, boots, etc. On to jackets. Every single mom and trashy highschooler in the world wears a north face jacket. Every single one of them. If you are going to wear a fleece (which is extremely comfortable and fratty) go buy a fratagonia, mountain hardware, columbia, cloudveil, etc.
I’m agreeing with TGIFrat here. When a kid comes through during rush wearing a TJ Maxx $19.99 forest green and brown polo with a denali and sperrys, i’m thinking cut. It’s time to start dressing like a grown up. I don’t know of any lawyers or doctors that go out on a friday night that wear a polo shirt, sperrys, or a north face. It’s time to get a nice dress shirt, a tailored pair of slacks with a cuff, and a nice pair of loafers, or luccheses boots with a belt that matches.
Being a self-proclaimed fratty UGA alum, I think TGIFrat said it best. I honestly have given away every relic of North Face Ive had since high school and have moved on to better offerings- Marmot, arc’teryx, Clouveil (which unfortunately sold and is no longer out of JH), Barbour, and my staple high-end Patagonia gear. Merino wool v neck sweaters are a fratty option when paired with a Brooks Bros oxford. Casual shoes- Sperrys unacceptable and gay. Only LL Bean blucher mocs ( recommended by ex Hampden-Sydney and W&L fratters my dads age) or Cole Haan Gunnisons w Mtn khakis. I keep Columbia limited to hunting gear only. North Face = redneck or lack of class in my mind, but does look good when paired w only winter tights on a slampiece.
its cold enough in virginia
14 years ago at 6:16 pmNo it’s not.
14 years ago at 6:31 pmits not cold enough in KY & thats after coming from atlanta
14 years ago at 6:49 pmive lived in kentucky my whole life and its NEVER ok. when it gets that cold here you better break out the duck boots.
14 years ago at 7:44 pmif you wear socks with Sperrys you are a GDI sorry but its true
14 years ago at 7:07 pmits never frat to wear sperrys at all. sorry. anything that high schoolers wear (sperry, polo, north face) needs to go to goodwill. grow up and buy some nice clothes and shoes GDI
14 years ago at 7:11 pmok this guy is trying waaaayyyyy to hard. First off let me point to you that 95% of people in frats could go and buy gucci etc but they dont because we arent trying to look like douche bags. Polo Sperry ETC is clothing that we wear because it looks nice and its also good to get wasted in. It seems like if you think this kind of clothing is trash you are a stupid GDI and are probably not in a frat at all
14 years ago at 7:15 pmExcuse me?
14 years ago at 7:23 pmGo away GDI.
14 years ago at 8:25 pmhow am i the GDI when this guy TGIFraturday says sperry polo North face is not frat lol????
14 years ago at 8:26 pm^ frat and natty, they’re responding to the original comment, it just shows up below your response
14 years ago at 10:15 pmNorth Face isn’t that frat, go buy Patagonia or Mountain Hardwear but the rest is frat.
14 years ago at 10:59 pmI agree with Frat and natty. GDIs wear everything except the really expensive designers. I am still gonna wear my sperry, polos, and north face and be proud that I am frattin it up. I agree that northface is becoming not as fratty, but they still have fratty jackets.
14 years ago at 6:54 amhaha Gucci? who in the hell ever said anything about Gucci? I’m talking about VV, Brooks Brothers, Peter Millar, Coast, etc. Everyone of the companies I mentioned abover were created for fratdaddies to wear. Polo on the other hand, was extremely frat about 15 years ago and now they started making these huge horse and number american eagle clothes. On to the shoes, every kid from age 10-18 has a pair of sperrys. Grow up. If you are looking for something to wear comfortably to class (which i’m assuming that is why you wear sperrys because if you ever wear sperrys with a tie or jacket you should be shot) then you can never go wrong with frat cleats (cole haan gunnison moc), chacos, aasics, boots, etc. On to jackets. Every single mom and trashy highschooler in the world wears a north face jacket. Every single one of them. If you are going to wear a fleece (which is extremely comfortable and fratty) go buy a fratagonia, mountain hardware, columbia, cloudveil, etc.
14 years ago at 8:18 amI’m agreeing with TGIFrat here. When a kid comes through during rush wearing a TJ Maxx $19.99 forest green and brown polo with a denali and sperrys, i’m thinking cut. It’s time to start dressing like a grown up. I don’t know of any lawyers or doctors that go out on a friday night that wear a polo shirt, sperrys, or a north face. It’s time to get a nice dress shirt, a tailored pair of slacks with a cuff, and a nice pair of loafers, or luccheses boots with a belt that matches.
14 years ago at 12:55 pmand those blisters are there to be removed at the salon until the shoes are perfectly broken in
14 years ago at 7:55 pmSperry’s and socks are a pet peeve of mine. Anytime I see it I want to punch the person doing so.
14 years ago at 8:58 pmSeconded
14 years ago at 10:27 amIts never too cold to wear socks with sperrys. Ever.
14 years ago at 12:24 amA-B
14 years ago at 2:47 amif it’s too cold for sperrys then it’s time to put on the bean boots. With wool socks of course
14 years ago at 5:40 amI have excessively sweaty feet.
14 years ago at 6:23 amDELICIOUS
14 years ago at 9:04 amHonestly every single one of yall are posers. You guys give (real) frat kids a bad name
14 years ago at 12:18 pmA fucking men
14 years ago at 12:28 pmBeing a self-proclaimed fratty UGA alum, I think TGIFrat said it best. I honestly have given away every relic of North Face Ive had since high school and have moved on to better offerings- Marmot, arc’teryx, Clouveil (which unfortunately sold and is no longer out of JH), Barbour, and my staple high-end Patagonia gear. Merino wool v neck sweaters are a fratty option when paired with a Brooks Bros oxford. Casual shoes- Sperrys unacceptable and gay. Only LL Bean blucher mocs ( recommended by ex Hampden-Sydney and W&L fratters my dads age) or Cole Haan Gunnisons w Mtn khakis. I keep Columbia limited to hunting gear only. North Face = redneck or lack of class in my mind, but does look good when paired w only winter tights on a slampiece.
14 years ago at 6:55 pm