Is Boehner wearing a Vineyard Vines tie? If so.. TFM.

  1. fratatat

    Hes not but john Kerry has a custom vv tie on but since he’s a dem I’m sure it will be considered NF

    14 years ago at 8:56 pm
    1. fratatat

      agreed. the man was in Skull and Bones, which is FaF, Has a baller townhouse on Beacon Hill, a huge spread on Nantucket Island, and a ski lodge in idaho. all these things are FaF

      14 years ago at 11:56 am
  2. Stay Fratty

    It looks like the VV Beach Chair tie. Even if it isn’t, his nonchalant “I call bullshit” smile and refusal to clap at certain things Obama said was definitely a TFM.

    14 years ago at 9:15 pm
    1. johnwallofKD

      The look on Boehner’s face during the entire speech was hilarious and the only reason I watched the entire thing.

      14 years ago at 11:04 am