Texas Tech forcefully infecting Oklahoma with the raider rash. TFM.

    1. southern frat pride

      maybe thats the point. maybe “Crown_and_Coke’s” purpose for that comment is that he’s “too frat to care” about what anyone will post about said irrelavent comment.

      13 years ago at 6:47 pm
    2. Crown_and_Coke

      False, my “TFTC” comment is referring to, being To Frat to Care forcing Raider Rash on OU

      13 years ago at 4:42 pm
    1. There once was 2 cowboys lost on the trail, there they discovered they could sleep with other males. Now they’re having butt sex, cowboy butt sex. SOOODOOOMEEEEHEEEE

      13 years ago at 2:06 pm
  1. Fratstar Runner

    ESPN referring to Oklahoma losing to Tech “the trail of tears”. TFTC.

    13 years ago at 3:09 pm
    1. rooster cogburn

      man, i never thought about that. i mean the SEC is so good because their backward culture supressed black people for almost a whole century more than the rest of America and thus studded out a race of dreadlocked super-athlete, apparently those injuns that flooded our state didnt have as much fast-twitch muscle in their genetics. tragedy.

      13 years ago at 4:47 pm
    1. rooster cogburn

      oh man thats classic! its like, oklahoma but you replaced the ok with CHOKE! genius! dude thats some skip bayless level of hilarity right there!

      13 years ago at 4:50 pm