Texas Tech Student Learns That Making Gun Signals In A Crowded Airport Is Frowned Upon

You ever been in a situation where by the time that you realized that you had really fucked up, it was already too late? Well Diana Durkin, a student at Texas Tech, knows exactly how you feel as her eagerness to show school spirit in an airport left her in a serious predicament with the TSA.

From Fox News:

In a nod to TTU’s mascot, the Masked Rider, Durkin said that Texas Tech fans often salute each other with a finger gun and a “Wreck ‘em” slogan when they see each other — which is exactly what got her flagged by the TSA.

Waiting on line for security, Durkin spotted a man in a Texas Tech hoodie, and reflexively threw up a finger gun, to which he gave an odd look. Moments after, a TSA agent led her out of line to question the gesture. Taking to Twitter in a panic to detail the incident, Durkin’s well-intentioned mishap soon went viral

The best part of this whole ordeal has to be the other Tech fan just shrugging off her school pride and dismissing her “Wreck ‘Em” finger pistols entirely. Dude just didn’t have the energy or enthusiasm for a momentary connection with a complete stranger.

Don’t worry though, after some tears and a thorough explanation, TSA let Diana off with a warning.

Next time you’re in the airport, try to keep the physical gestures to a minimum. Whether you’re mindlessly showing team spirit or double tapping your feet in the bathroom stall of a certain Minnesota airport, things just have a way of going south fast.

[via Fox News]

Image via Youtube

    1. hattiegilbert445

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      6 years ago at 7:24 am
      1. thevaginatorv2

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        6 years ago at 2:46 pm
  1. DanRegester

    Jizzrag. Does that mean you whack off or pull out? Either way you’re gay

    6 years ago at 6:28 pm
    1. thevaginatorv2

      I forgot your jr high let out early on Friday… I’ll come pick you up once I’m done with your mom

      6 years ago at 6:36 pm