The 1985 Smokeshow From Ole Miss Has Been Found


On Monday, I came across an awesome video filmed on the campus of Ole Miss from the mid-1980s. It provided a window into the social scene of one of the most respected Greek communities in the country, and during what many believe to be the golden era of Greek life.

You can view the video and read about it HERE.

Because of when the video was filmed, believed to be some time around 1985, I surmised that this was about the time that many of your parents were in college, thus showing you how they used to get down at the point in their lives that you are currently in. And maybe, just maybe, a parent of yours actually appeared in the video. I just figured I’d toss the line out there and see what happened. Well, I’m glad I did because it turns out we got a couple hits.

Here’s one:

Love it, but which one is she? She went on to explain on Twitter, “13 seconds in, the lady with the dark hair and huge polka dot sweater… I’d recognize that ensemble with the pearls any day.”

Boom. Got her.

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Just having the time of her life in some awful ’80s sweater. Great stuff.

There was a particular young coed, however, that I singled out because she looked like, as I described her, “a 1985 smokeshow.” She’s the one pictured at the top of the page and I stand firmly by my opinion. She’s a real pretty lady. Here’s what I said about her in my previous column:

Just strutting around Oxford with her huge ’80s hair and terrible ’80s shirt like she owns the campus. Total dime piece. My first instinct is to say only this chick could pull off a shirt like that, but that’s the 21st century in me talking. Every girl wore awful attire like this, but maybe she’s the one who made it awesome in that town, or even in that era. Too bad we don’t have a shot of her 20-year-old ’80s ass in some high-waisted stone wash jeans. I’m going to assume that thing is on fire, though, just like the rest of her.

She looks like she’d be a prude, doesn’t she? Not the kind of girl who’d let you cop a feel on your house party dance floor. She’s making you work for it, maybe you take her out to a nice restaurant a couple times, drop a couple hundred on her, she makes you settle for a couple closed mouth kisses with implications of better things to come if you play your cards right, then she rips your heart out like the scumbag you are.

You know, it’s so much easier to make jokes about someone when you know the chances of it ever coming back around to you are very slim. In hindsight, I’m glad I was complimentary of this nice young lady, and no one better come at and try to say calling her “prude” was insulting. Couldn’t be further from the truth. Being prude is a straight wife material quality. Tell me this: would you rather wife someone up who was a prude in college and didn’t give it up, or some chick that was rumored to be a minx in the sack and had a penchant for waking up at fraternity houses on Saturday mornings? Yeah, that’s what I thought.

I went on to mention how funny it’d be if this lady was the mother of someone reading the column — a small world story if you will.

Like I said, I’m happy I spoke well of her, because we found her. She’s the aunt of a youngster named Brad Brewer. Below is a photo of the 1985 smokeshow from Ole Miss at a later date, tweeted to me by Brad. Judging by the picture quality, the hair, the attire, and the appearance of the smokeshow relative to the photo at the top, I’m going to put it at around 1993. I feel good about that guess. That about right? Quick side note: check out the awesome t-shirt on Brad’s dad. Talk about style.

Note: Click image to enlarge.

There she is. That’s our girl, a Chi Omega alumna. That’s what an ’85 Ole Miss dime piece looks like in the height of her post-grad prowess, probably still strutting around and breaking hearts.

I wish we had a more current photo to go off of, but it’s clear she has the “it” factor. Back in 1993, looking so casual and natural with a white tank top and that early ’90s hairdo, probably little to no makeup on, and still just dripping with hotness.

Can I call ’em or can I call ’em?


  1. MenAreMADEnotBorn

    Anyone else notice even the mom is not bad for her age? Damn good genes there.

    11 years ago at 10:20 am
  2. M_Eagle

    I bow down to you, Dorn. I am officially declaring a shift in allegiance to #TeamDorn #FuckBacon

    11 years ago at 10:22 am
  3. TrickleDown

    Could be a niece actually, since she has the maiden name. But the age/name/sorority/school/dates all match up

    11 years ago at 10:54 am