Some Magazine Puts Out Shitty ‘Top 20 College Towns In America’ List

A school itself is only part of the college experience. The town where your school is located has a huge impact on the best four to seven years of your life. The bars, the restaurants, and the overall atmosphere and ambiance of college towns are some of the most enjoyable things that come with the overall bliss of college.

Travel and Leisure ranked the twenty best college towns in the country. Based upon things like events, restaurants, bars, and charm, they were able to compile a list of college towns across the country that are, in their opinion, the best.

Here are the rankings:

1. Burlington, Vermont
2. Charlottesville, Virginia
3. San Luis Obispo, California
4. Williamsburg, Virginia
5. Harrisonburg, Virginia
6. Boulder, Colorado
7. St. Augustine, Florida
8. Asheville, North Carolina
9. Fredericksburg, Virginia
10. Flagstaff, Arizona
11. Morgantown, West Virginia
12. Saratoga Springs, New York
13. Ithaca, New York
14. Lexington, Virginia
15. Annapolis, Maryland
16. Fayetteville, Arkansas
17. Lafayette, Louisiana
18. Bozeman, Montana
19. Chapel Hill, North Carolina
20. Duluth, Minnesota

See your college town up there? If you did, good for you. I did, and I’m pretty proud of it. If you didn’t, don’t worry. I see some pretty huge flaws with these rankings.

First off, I’m glad to see Virginia did so well. The state is packed full of great schools and great college towns. Charlottesville, Harrisonburg, Lexington, and Williamsburg are all awesome places with their own unique microcultures. However, I disagree with Fredericksburg being ranked that high. Yeah, University of Mary Washington is there, but I don’t think that simply having a college located within its borders should make a municipality a college town. Don’t get me wrong, Fredericksburg is a really cool place, especially if you’re into history, but I just don’t see the place being a college town, let alone a top ten college town.

Secondly, and I’m going to hurt some feelings with this one, Morgantown does not belong on this list. WVU is a fun school. It’s a party school. It’s a hell of a good time. You’ll get no argument from me regarding that. But the town itself? Let’s face it. It’s essentially a rusting shithole.

There are some other towns here that just don’t belong. Annapolis? Yeah, the Naval Academy is there, but I don’t think that is enough to give the town a college atmosphere. St. John’s is there, too, but I just don’t see it pulling enough weight to make the town a contender. Again, like many of the towns among the ranked, it’s an awesome place. I just don’t see it as a college town. The same goes for Duluth. I don’t really see it as a college town, and honestly, I’m not sure how fun of a town it is at all.

Bozeman? I honestly have no clue. Never been. The only guy I know who went to school there was weird as shit, so I’m going to use that as a gauge on this one.

There are probably some towns that you think should have made the list. You could argue for Austin, Texas, and many would agree with you. However, Austin is in its own category of city. Its culture is so unique that I don’t think classifying it as a college town does it justice.

In all, I think these rankings make some good points, but they’re also lacking. Some of the justifications used just don’t seem that applicable to me, but shit, what do I know? As for Burlington being the top college town, I don’t even know what to think. Is being the home of Ben and Jerry’s and Phish enough to justify being in the top spot? Tough call, guys. Tough call.

Don’t like the rankings you’ve seen here? Defend your school and college town in the comments section below.

[via Travel and Leisure]

Image via New England Magazine


  1. TrueAmericanPatriot

    Annapolis is a phenomenal town with great bars and a pretty awesome nightlife. However, from the perspective of a current Midshipman, it is the farthest thing from a college town. We call Navy the Not College for godsake.

    10 years ago at 5:44 pm
  2. OMFratRebel

    It sounds to me like they visited just these 20 cities then ranked their favorites. That or they have no clue what fun is.

    10 years ago at 5:44 pm
  3. BoatsAndBooze

    Sister went to Mary Washington and Fredericksburg is a horribly boring place as far as college shit goes, unless you consider Civil War history fun. 2 shitty bars for the whole town

    10 years ago at 6:12 pm

    The lack of Florida college towns on this list is bullshit. What better travel and leisure destination can there be? Beer, bikinis and beaches. While everyone else is running around in Uggs and North Face I’m still down here in shorts and sweating my frock off.

    10 years ago at 6:13 pm
  5. Iowa Hawkeye

    Why isn’t Iowa City on here? Most people who visit are told they had a fun time. They usually don’t remember.

    10 years ago at 6:46 pm
    1. RedFrocket

      Seriously? Iowa City is fun and all, but if you’re from anywhere else in the country or you’ve been anywhere else in the country you know you’re wrong.

      10 years ago at 9:39 pm
  6. poop on my chest

    best according to who? 35 year old pot smoking hippies? clearly not to 21 year old republican football fans who want cheap liquor and fast women.

    10 years ago at 7:29 pm
    1. speridise city

      Tempe isn’t really a town considering its part of the metropolitan area. Also outside of McClintock/Broadway to Priest/Rio Salado, Tempe is a fucking shithole. and then theres THE GODDAMN FOREIGNERS THAT MANAGE TO INHABIT 40% OF THIS CITY. so theres that.

      10 years ago at 8:15 pm
    2. Fratfrican_American

      the McClintock/Broadway to Priest/Rio Salado statement is valid as fuck. Tempe blows outside the immediate college area

      10 years ago at 12:17 am
    3. mosthonorableactive

      We live in a crackhead city with an overzealous police force and unfriendly administration. Let’s not kid ourselves dipshit

      10 years ago at 12:29 am
  7. roundrockdonuts

    Lafayette, Louisiana is ONLY a ghetto, how did they make it and Austin, Durham, Baton Rouge, Oxford, not? shitty, shitty list

    10 years ago at 7:48 pm
    1. LEGENwaitforitDARY

      Durham is extremely ghetto and shady, especially the areas that border the university

      10 years ago at 8:47 pm
    2. futureleader14

      Actually, that’s not true anymore. Brightleaf Square, Main Street and American Tobacco Campus are pretty cool locations and close to campus, not to mention other spots downtown are worth checking out. Durham unfairly gets a bad rep now, because of its history and a couple impoverished areas that, quite frankly, every major city has.

      10 years ago at 11:40 pm
    3. Devil n A Saint

      East Durham is bad, but the area around dook is actually good, and getting better. Lot of post-grads reside in the areas near the campus and the revitalized mills. It’s becoming pretty hipsterish though.

      10 years ago at 11:36 am