The 45 Hottest Girl Names, Ranked

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There isn’t a single Sloan on the face of this planet who’s below an 8. Not one. Not a single Sloan in existence, or throughout history, is unattractive. I don’t know why it works out this way, but it does. It’s an exact science. When two parents find out they’ll be having a baby girl, and they decide to name her Sloan, they’re essentially saying right then and there, “This baby will grow up to be a fine piece of ass one day.” It’s weird, I agree.

Sloans are too good for you, partly because you’re a scumbag, but mostly because Sloan knows she’s a Sloan, and Sloans knows Sloans are so hot that they’re untouchable. They’re prissy and stuck up, a little bitchy even. But goddamn are Sloans sexy.

This list isn’t about which names are the hottest, but actually which names end up belonging to the hottest girls. I can’t say for sure that the name Sloan itself is a hot name, but every Sloan happens to be hot, therefore that name belongs to hot girls at a higher rate than any other. Make sense? Good.

There are many hot names for girls, and these are the 45 hottest:

45. Devon – would be a lot hotter if she didn’t try so hard to fit in with the guys

44. Jackie – spends a lot of time balling in the rec center (will cross you up), which is weird, a little bigger than you like, but still looks good

43. Amber – knows how to dance seductively and does it regularly with her equally hot friends

42. Kate – a natural beauty who doesn’t have to try hard to be hot, gets ready to go out in 5 minutes

41. Danielle – skinnier than you usually go for, but an overall package that can’t be denied

40. Jessie – wears nothing but oversize tees and Norts, which is annoying – dress up for me one time

39. Stephanie – went from a 7 to a 9 after that boob job graduation gift from Dad

38. Sophia – full figured with darker skin, probably Italian, a fire cracker

37. Courtney – has a pair of blimps that could take out the eastern corridor’s entire power grid

36. Stacey – tall drink of water with T.Swift legs

35. Allison – goes by Ali, doesn’t stand out in a group but has an attractive personality that takes her to the next level

34. Molly – smokes a lot of weed and hooks up on the reg

33. Grace – hottest girl from your high school graduating class, went to a big state school

32. Lacy – has a tattoo she regrets and works at Twin Peaks, but that ass won’t quit

31. Bridgette – a daddy’s girl who’s looking for any opportunity to rebel and let her freak flag fly

30. Natalia – a blonde with an eastern European vibe, or possibly actually from eastern Europe

29. Elizabeth – goody two-shoes who owns bows and actually wears them out in public for some reason

28. Kelly – tight package, probably a former cheerleader, All-American looks

27. Haley – went through a nose ring phase and has a questionable tattoo, also has an ass for days

26. Shelby – even though she’s an alcoholic, Shelby is attractive, also likes to party and goes by “Shelbs”

25. Whitney – goes out a lot just to dance with her girlfriends, blows off guys who approach her

24. Riley – girls with guy names, there’s just something about them

23. Paigeclick for evidence

22. Lindsay – one of the guys who is always around, but it’s cool with everyone on account of her good looks

21. Maria – some Latin flavor with a lot of backside

20. Lauren – drinks a ton of beer yet somehow maintains a great body

19. Heather – flaky and ditzy but is a flirt and looks good in a bikini

18. Caroline – everyone knows Caroline’s a prude, don’t waste your time, but damn girl

17. Michelle – seems pretty tame on the surface but is a low-key freak with a sneaky hot body

16. Holly – has USDA certified prime beef yammers and she knows it

15. Candice – the name of possibly the hottest woman on earth belongs on here

14. Emily – a stacked brunette who makes good grades

13. Jordan – your second cousin who’s so hot that you’ve thought about hittin it on the low

12. Meagan – just a stupid hot body who flaunts it every chance she gets

11. Brooke – a pageant girl with big hair, also a prude who tells people she’s sassy, but really she just sucks

10. Taylor – in a top-tier sorority with a bunch of girls who look exactly like her

9. Ashley – there are so many Ashleys in this country, and so many of them seem to be scorching hot

8. Madisonour CEO gets enough shit for having a girl’s name, but at least it’s a hot girl’s name

7. Samantha – goes by Sam, wifey material with a classic look

6. Savannah – your quintessential southern belle who’s a lady in the sheets and a freak in the sheets

5. Claire – country club hot with a judge for a father, a low-key sexual monster

4. Kennedy – new money hot, drives a white Range Rover, does a lot of coke

3. Reagan – might as well group the two ex-U.S. presidents’ names together, both are equally hot

2. Blaire – gorgeous princess type who’s not an easy nut to crack

1. Sloan – see above

  1. Texas Tux and Oil

    The fact you don’t have Bree on here makes this list unreliable, Bree is always hot and a fantastic cheese.

    9 years ago at 8:24 am
    1. GodHatesFigs

      I’m more of a getost kind of guy. It’s hard finding beautiful women named “Getost,” though.

      9 years ago at 10:35 am
  2. Money_Ball

    My favorite Sloan’s ranked:

    3. Sloan Sabbith *Disclaimer – Sloan Sabbith has no good GIFs, so generic Olivia Munn it is

    2. Sloan McQuewick

    1. Sloane Peterson

    9 years ago at 8:24 am
    1. JosephBluePulaski

      Sloane Peterson was definitely responsible for one of my first erections.

      9 years ago at 8:32 am
  3. Frank Lyman from Amherst

    Sally. Every single one I’ve met is blonde, has a great rack, and comes from money…old or new.

    9 years ago at 8:26 am
  4. Broshire

    You can write “TFM Staff” all you want, but we know this was the work of Steve Holt.

    9 years ago at 8:31 am
  5. Fratasaurus

    This list should actually be titled “45 names to not name your daughter”

    9 years ago at 8:40 am
    1. BornProudRaisedProud1890

      Don’t name your daughter after any city, and especially don’t add extra letters for no reason. (Ex. Brooklynne)

      9 years ago at 3:52 pm
  6. FratGeo

    Jade, usually from lower socioeconomic class origins, and more often than not does not have a father who is involved in her life. This leads to a condition known medically as daddy issues, and as a result will refer to you as “daddy” during the act of mating. This and her prowess in intercourse may lead you to believe she is the apex predator of the slam piece food chain, but be warned. If she does not climax she will most likely rip your head off, much like the praying mantis. She also has a tendency to catch feelings from one night stands, and will spread malicious rumors about your manhood. During my tenure at my small liberal arts wildlife preserve, this girl is most likely to be the shacker slasher.

    9 years ago at 8:40 am