The Emoji Movie Will Destroy America As We Know It

Screen Shot 2017-07-30 at 6.10.50 PM

It’s here. It’s really here. That fateful day has come. It’s the day we have all been fearing. The most definitive piece of proof that every day we stray farther away from God. The Emoji Movie has just come out in theaters across the country, as well as the rest of the planet. Please know your evacuation routes and hug your loved ones.

We deserve this catastrophe. We brought this on ourselves. We’ve been in denial and we constantly ignored all the warning signs that were right in front our faces the whole time. A year ago, when this godforsaken film was announced, we knew it was going to be a total mess but we just brushed it off. Just like we do with all upcoming, inevitable global disasters. Ignorance is bliss. So we tried to forget about it. Out of sight, out of mind.

Then we started to hear news about it. We started to read internet buzz about it. We read baffling, horrific announcements about the star studded cast who will be doing the voiceover performances. TJ Miller as the main character? But he’s such a funny dude! Why is he doing this to himself?! Legendary deadpan stand-up comic Steven Wright as the “meh” emoji? Why is this happening?! James Corden? Anna Farris? Jeff Ross?! The MILF from American Pie? Christina motherfuckin Aguilera? Patrick Stewart voicing the poop emoji?! WHY GOD? WHY?!

But still, we continued to try to look the other way. We weren’t emotionally equipped to handle all this information at once. We ignored it. We didn’t have the hearts to look our children in the eye and warn them about the upcoming tragedy we would all have to endure as a country.

But time flew by faster than we expected. All of a sudden, we started seeing trailers for The Emoji Movie popping up online, as well as dozens of articles about those trailers, and how terrible they were. But we just scrolled past it, afraid to face reality, afraid to look our mortality in the eye and accept our fates.

Then, the commercials for The Emoji Movie started airing on our television sets. They started out rare, but they gradually started coming at a more rapid pace. Then the next thing you knew, the commercials came on every day, multiple times a day. After all of that came the billboards. At first, we’d see a few billboards and random signs around the city for The Emoji Movie. But then they were everywhere. Giant billboards on the highway with a poop emoji on them, and the tagline “[poop emoji] Happens!” Giant designs on the signs of skyscrapers adverting the movie. The Devil himself laughing in our face.

And now it’s here. It’s barely limped past a zero percent on Rotten Tomatoes and it’s been planted in our movie theaters like a bomb sent from North Korea. The Emoji Movie is out. It exists. We let this happen. May God have mercy on our souls.

  1. BobMotherFuckingBarker

    *Guy pitching the emoji movie*
    “Alright so it’s LIKE a movie but it’s REALLY a two hour long ad that people will PAY to see”

    8 years ago at 6:24 pm
    1. Rutherfrat

      When I have children, they will be watching the 90’s movies I watched growing up. This new shit is garbage

      8 years ago at 9:47 pm
  2. Fratty McFratFrat

    WHY GOD? WHY?! – What everyone says when TFM posts one of your “columns.”

    8 years ago at 7:02 pm
  3. Fratty Couples PGA

    Babe of the day removed her photos from instagram. What did you motherfuckers do?

    8 years ago at 7:25 pm
  4. Mitch The Godfather Martin

    Why the fuck are you allowed to post on the weekends Wally? Thanks for ruining my Sunday Funday you insufferable fuck.

    8 years ago at 8:07 pm
  5. Drunk_Sark

    Unrelated to this garbage article: have you guys seen people using Juuls or that Phix thing? I’ve never used one and it reminds me of vaping which is gay. Anybody know anything about them? I know they’re for nicotine, but as a guy who dips, I don’t see a purpose for it.

    8 years ago at 9:32 pm
    1. Killer Dave

      They are for people who are too big of pussies to smoke cigarettes, but not gay enough to use a “vape”.

      8 years ago at 9:45 pm
    2. Magnum_Dong

      My younger brother is in high school and he has one. Not gonna lie it hits the spot when you’re at your parents house for break and you haven’t dipped or had a smoke in a while, that being said the fact that he has one in the first place when he doesn’t do either of those things boggles my mind.

      8 years ago at 6:02 am