Red Stag Getting initiated the day you accept your bid. NF. ZBT is not a fraternity you stupid GDI 14 years ago at 12:38 pm
totally phratical We didn’t initiate our pledges until about 10 weeks after they accepted there bid… 14 years ago at 1:11 pm
War Damn Proud Natty on a steak is NF. Real men that know how to grill a steak TFM. 14 years ago at 5:19 pm
Double Knob If your going to ruin your steak like that at least use a good beer for it. 14 years ago at 10:41 pm
slamjam advice from a sorostitute: DO NOT EVER MARINATE YOUR STEAK IN BEER! and also beer can chicken= putting the beer can up the chicken hole not pouring beer all over it. leave it to us guys for the marinating and yall can do the grilling. 14 years ago at 9:09 am
Pledgucator if you buy even decent beef you shouldn’t have to marinate your steak. That’s why you don’t buy steaks from a store 14 years ago at 12:22 pm
Getting initiated the day you accept your bid. NF. ZBT is not a fraternity you stupid GDI
14 years ago at 12:38 pmSecond.
14 years ago at 4:04 pmWe didn’t initiate our pledges until about 10 weeks after they accepted there bid…
14 years ago at 1:11 pmWhy the hell would you ruin a good steak?
14 years ago at 12:54 pmSecond
14 years ago at 5:08 pmNatty on a steak is NF. Real men that know how to grill a steak TFM.
14 years ago at 5:19 pmBeat me to it. Not learning to grill is NF.
14 years ago at 9:24 pmNatty on a steak? I realize you’re from DC but fuck
14 years ago at 6:32 pmThat sounds fucking awful… worse than a TSM
14 years ago at 9:52 pmIf your going to ruin your steak like that at least use a good beer for it.
14 years ago at 10:41 pmbeer can chicken. TFM.
14 years ago at 10:45 pmadvice from a sorostitute: DO NOT EVER MARINATE YOUR STEAK IN BEER! and also beer can chicken= putting the beer can up the chicken hole not pouring beer all over it. leave it to us guys for the marinating and yall can do the grilling.
14 years ago at 9:09 amif you buy even decent beef you shouldn’t have to marinate your steak. That’s why you don’t buy steaks from a store
14 years ago at 12:22 pm