The History Behind Air Force’s “Sharktooth” Helmets

Air Force

In a little less than three weeks, Air Force will take on Abilene Christian in their first football game of the 2016 season. On Monday, AF Falcon’s official Twitter account dropped a video reveal of their new badass “Sharktooth” helmets they’ll be wearing against Georgia State for the world to see.

The Sharktooth design is a homage to the first American volunteer group of pilots who defended the Chinese against Japanese forces. The group, dubbed as the “Flying Tigers,” painted the noses of their planes with the snarl of a shark baring its teeth, resulting in Japanese fighter pilots most likely shitting themselves at the sight of the flying sharks on the horizon.

Even now, the Air Force continues to pay tribute to the “Flying Tigers” by branding planes such as the A-10 Thunderbolt II with the menacing DGAF paint job of their predecessors. With the evolution of technology, the Sharktooth design now affords the pilot flying the plane with the ability to rain bullets out of the shark’s open mouth.

These helmets are just so badass on so many levels. Forget the detail of the “plane panel” design meticulously painted onto each helmet. The fact that these kids are not only willing to defend their home field, but also willing to defend our country, and pay homage to those who came before, rank these helmets on an all-time greatest list.

Air Force’s biggest games this year will be against Colorado State and against Boise State at the end of the season. Coming off of an 8-6 record, expectations are high for the Falcons, with many assuming a win against Boise State at home will clinch their division and position them well for the bowl season. Either way, Air Force seems to have won the preseason uni drop with those nasty helmets alone.

  1. Deadlift27

    It’s funny because the original Flying Tigers weren’t part of the USAAF. They were volunteer mercenaries who joined Col Chennault to fight for the nationalist Chinese before the US entered the war. They flew in Chinese markings. When the Army Air Force took command of the unit in July of 42, most of the pilots were upset and rejoined their former units because as US military pilots, they were no longer eligible for a $500 bonus for each Japanese plane shot down. Uniforms are still really fucking cool though.

    8 years ago at 9:54 am
  2. Phuck_KU

    Things I hope to see when I go to
    -Rush Tits
    -Peeing in buttholes
    -Intern Staceys obituary

    Things I do not come here for:
    – History lessons

    8 years ago at 10:05 am
      1. Phuck_KU

        Ya man people who are true American patriots learn about the armed forces on TFM!!

        8 years ago at 10:28 am
    1. StoryTeller

      Phuck_you……why don’t you just go ahead and do us all a favor and kill yourself

      8 years ago at 10:10 am
  3. MuffMcFluff

    It is a huge disrespect to say you’d rather hear about “peeing in buttholes” over the history of the brave men and women who stand a post so the rest of us don’t have to. I think if you re-thought that one you might realize it wasn’t the best thing to say.

    8 years ago at 10:50 am
    1. MuffMcFluff

      This was in response to Phuck_KU’s comment which you’ll be able to find firmly at the bottom. Feel free to lap so it stays nice and close to his ignorance.

      8 years ago at 10:51 am
  4. SharkWeekTFM

    I. Like. These. Helmets.
    Not that I wasn’t aware of the planes but:
    “…ability to rain bullets out of the shark’s open mouth.” Is not something I expected to read on the internet today but I’m not unhappy about it.

    8 years ago at 6:11 pm
  5. Buck Wildman

    I’m pleasantly surprised to have found my alma mater as a TFM article. Some topics ebb and flow on this site, but unwavering patriotism is a constant here. Keep it up, boys

    8 years ago at 12:16 am