The Many Faces Of Devastation – Bama Fans React To Iron Bowl Thriller

Was that the most exciting ending to a college football game of all time? It’s tough to top Cal-Stanford’s “The band is out on the field!” game, but I’d say the 2013 Iron Bowl is safely in the top five, likely top three. It contained all the elements of a classic: bitter, in-state rivalry game, one second left with a potential game-winning field upcoming, national title implications, a shocking turn of events, unbridled elation, and of course, devastation.

Take a look at some of the devastation:

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  1. Emmy_Gent

    The combined IQ of all the Alabama fans pictured still doesn’t equal their score at the end if the game.

    11 years ago at 5:03 pm
  2. TheGrandfather

    Nick Saban is the devil incarnate and his losses are victories for mankind.

    11 years ago at 6:38 pm
  3. FratKingColeFuck

    Looks like saban made one too many human sacrifices and won back that last second

    11 years ago at 9:10 pm