The Pros And Cons Of Fraternity Exec Positions
Pro: You call all the shots.
Con: You’re going to need a ton of them to get through it. After all, you were elected to be the professional babysitter for 75 to 200 jackasses, and are often legally liable for said jackassery.
Vice President
Pro: You are the Joe Biden of your house. You are an elite executive board member, but frankly everyone below you does your job.
Con: No one really knows what you do, Joe.
Rush Chair
Pros: You are the face of the franchise. Odds are, you are the first person those innocent little freshman meet. You have perfected the execution of spewing rush week bullshit and can snag any kid who walks through your doors. You are the one in charge of bidding the coolest kids and making sure your fraternity heads in the right direction. You have a keen ability to seek out boners and direct them straight to your rivals.
Con: You gave that one boner a bid. But another pro is that he makes a great pledge though, right?
Pledge Educator
Pro: Nationals does not exactly need to know about the pros of this position.
Con: Nationals might find out about the pros of this position.
Risk Manager
Pro: None.
Con: All.
Pro: You have access to the fraternity card.
Con: You have drunken access to the fraternity card.
House Manager
Pro: Spending hours trying to think of a pro to this position in order to avoid cleaning toilets, vomit, and checking chores is hard.
Con: The puke, lazy assholes, holes in the walls, new holes in the walls, and the random loot a drunk brother stumbles into the house with (which could be pro) are your responsibility.
Social Chair
Pro: You are the notorious fraternity big dick. The bigger the party you plan, the easier it is for you to talk to any girl at the party and say, “Do you like this party? Well, you’re welcome.”
Con: “We need more alcohol.” -Everyone
Pro: You are the first to know everything.
Con: You are also the first to know everything you do not give a shit about. You also get to alert people who could care less.
Con: Seeing your name on our phones every day makes everyone hate you. Go ahead fucker, text me again. And then make sure to post it to our Facebook page. Then, please, I beg you, make sure to text me again about it.
Pro: You are in charge of running one of the best things fraternities around this country do. Helping raise thousands if not hundreds of thousands for charity while in college is something not many geeds can put on their résumés.
Con: Attempting to convince brothers to go soberly to other Greek philanthropy events is hard. Good luck, champ. This uphill battle has been fought for generations and has only been won by a select few. Maybe you can be that guy.
Community Service Chair
Pro: You can find ways to get even the laziest members of your fraternity to help out the local community.
Con: You actually only get the most active members of your fraternity to help out the local community.
Academics Chair
Pro: You can say you somehow fixed even the biggest dipshit in your house’s GPA.
Con: You have to poll the brothers on what easy classes to take that even said dipshit could do well in.
Pro: Being able to say your house has the highest GPA is pretty cool.
Con: All of Greek life notices you’re no. 1 and immediately shuns you pussies for being nerds.
Con: You are also that guy who convinces brothers they are “here for school,” whatever the hell that means.
No Position
Pro: Rage on, my friend.
Con: You have to deal with ALL these people above you. So maybe get a position–or stay drunk and try not to get too many fines.
Can we all just agree everyone hates the philanthropy chair?
10 years ago at 10:51 amapparently not
10 years ago at 11:04 amOr make sure your roommate gets one of those positions, all the pros none of the cons.
10 years ago at 10:52 amNepotism. TFM.
10 years ago at 1:01 pmDrunken access to the fraternity card is the furthest thing from a con.
10 years ago at 10:53 amI was annoying before taking Secretary, so not much of a transition there.
10 years ago at 10:53 amI hated everyone of those little fuckers by about half way through my president term.
10 years ago at 11:01 amIs this your way of telling us you were president?
10 years ago at 11:33 amThe fact that no one knows what I do is probably the biggest pro of being VP. Definitely not a con.
10 years ago at 11:28 amNothing about Historian or Ritual Chair?
10 years ago at 11:31 amYeah because those positions matter.
10 years ago at 12:45 pmReevaluate yourself.
10 years ago at 1:11 pmRitual chair
Pros: You are mysterious to pledge’s and get to spearhead one of the most important parts of your society.
Cons: You have to herd everyone by the dick, and sometimes this includes people from out of chapter.
10 years ago at 4:49 pmPros: Your job is easy as fuck
Cons: You still have to do it and no one is grateful
I can confidently say that Risk manager is completely accurate. My job blows lol
10 years ago at 11:54 amGo home, nobody likes you.
10 years ago at 11:44 amwe created a sorority relations chair. Pros: all
10 years ago at 1:01 pmCons: none
cons: writing letters of apology for all the stupid shit your brothers do.
10 years ago at 2:13 pm“After all, you were elected to be the professional babysitter for 75 to 200 jackasses, and are often legally liable for said jackassery.” Just defined my life right there.
10 years ago at 1:11 pm