Maybe in your bottom tier house you can smash walls, but my historic Fratcastle's masonry has survived 90 years of fratting. TFM.

  1. Matthew T. McFrat

    90 years, thats it? 1863 and what ohio college has a frat castle you have shitty frat houses.

    14 years ago at 10:20 pm
    1. Broby Petrino

      Are their greeks at Ohio St? I certainly didn’t run into any on Bourbon…. We lost the game, but we won the tailgate… 5 days straight.

      14 years ago at 10:12 am
  2. Not a yank

    I went to the sugar bowl and was horrified by the amount of ohio state fans wearing jerseys. I always joked about the north being NF but I never knew it to be that bad.

    14 years ago at 2:37 am