The War On Freedom

The War On Freedom

Dear concerned citizens,

We are at war, my friends. These are historically important times that we are living in. The balance of power is shifting, and you and I are right in the middle of the crosshairs.

I’m not talking about Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism, or drugs. Those are Hollywood marionettes designed to boost the bottom line. Those “wars” are all about ratings. I’m not talking about an overseas power grab or some abstract fear-inducing concept. I’m talking about a war happening right here on our front steps. I’m talking about the war on American freedom.

You didn’t know there was a war? Oh, you must not be reading the headlines. Mass murderers are shooting the shit out of everybody in sight with “assault weapons,” and there’s a big push to ban them and enact stricter gun laws. If you haven’t read my previous article on the misinformation of gun control, read it HERE before you continue. Gun control is a proven failure, and it does not address the real problems.

The tragedy inflicted by psychopaths is an unfortunate symptom of a much larger problem, and gun laws are not the solution. Don’t just take it from me. Take it from the father of a 6-year-old massacred at Sandy Hook elementary school.

Gun control doesn’t protect people, it makes them more vulnerable. Look at the facts and do your own research. You’ve got to see the bigger picture. You’ve got to understand why the government wants gun control. They want gun control because they are afraid of armed, freethinking citizens.

Most people take freedom for granted. People forget that America is an unprecedented, revolutionary experiment. We are the only people in the history of the world that have the right to bear arms. In all other nations, if gun ownership is even allowed, it is a privilege, not a right. The government can disarm the people whenever they want. The 2nd amendment shines alone under the shadow of state violence and tyranny.

Guns are part of our culture…part of our identity. We were born in the blood of a violent revolution. We killed for our freedom and the founding fathers weren’t stupid. They were smart motherfuckers. Even when they overthrew the British Empire, they knew that tyranny would inevitably return in one form or another. It always does and it always will.

That’s why they included the 2nd amendment. It wasn’t to ensure that we could go hunting. It’s there to grant the people the God-given right to overthrow oppressive forces, both foreign and domestic. The right of revolution is implicit in the 2nd amendment.

Revolution isn’t a one-night stand with a slam you never call back. It’s the frat mattress that gets tossed back and forth between brothers of all houses. Revolutions are just like seasons. They’re either coming or they just left, but they’re always on the way. Even in the coldest of winter, spring is implied. That’s the way things are. It’s a natural cycle. The formula for human civilization is the same as the formula for ex-girlfriends. Tyranny, revolution, freedom, repeat.

The reason we have a high degree of freedom compared to other nations is because we have a heavily armed populace. With enough organization, the American public could easily overthrow the government. There are over 310 million privately owned guns in America. We’ve got more guns than most world militaries combined. We’re the biggest armed force on the planet.

That’s the only reason we have any rights at all. Thanks to the Patriot Act and the NDAA, our constitutional rights have been raped beyond recognition. We don’t even technically have rights anymore. They’re purely symbolic. Any sort of dissent is now called “domestic terrorism,” and once you’re labeled a terrorist, you’re completely fucked. Black bag-over-the-head Gestapo shit is now perfectly legal without a warrant, without a trial, and without a single fuck given.

Now I’m not saying that we should start a revolution or overthrow the government. That would be counterproductive. That’s also treason, and I love my country. (Dear NSA agent who is reading this article because it set off 50,000 red flags, I am a comedian who writes fiction in order to buy booze. Please don’t send me to summer camp in Cuba.)

What I’m saying is that revolutions don’t have to be violent. A truly free society can change a government with words and ideas. The power of the mind infinitely exceeds the power of the gun, but only when there is freedom. It’s hard to talk about radical ideas when you’re body is full of bullet holes.

Privately owned guns are a necessary safeguard of free expression. Guns ensure that we have a fair dialogue with those who rule over us. The government knows that if they try too much fascist bullshit, there will be an armed revolution. A good government is afraid of its citizens, not the other way around.

Civilian guns are the ultimate checks and balances on power. Fuck congress and fuck the Supreme Court. At the end of the day, it boils down to the fact that an armed population is difficult to enslave.

There is a war going on right now. It’s not a war against terrorism, drugs, or bad guys, it’s a war against freedom. Taking away guns is the final step in the realization of a total police state. Banning assault weapons is a baby step towards a New World Order’s wet dream. The first amendment only exists because of the second amendment. If they take away our guns, then what are you going to do? Talk about tyranny?

Talking about tyranny is terrorism.

Fuck you, citizen.

  1. a.) You’ve got to understand why the government wants gun control. They want gun control because they are afraid of armed, freethinking citizens.

    They want gun control because people are dying, and some in the government, for right or wrong, think that gun control would stop that issue.


    Privately owned guns are a necessary safeguard of free expression. Guns ensure that we have a fair dialogue with those who rule over us. The government knows that if they try too much fascist bullshit, there will be an armed revolution. A good government is afraid of its citizens, not the other way around.

    Good luck against this.

    I’m conservative/libertarian on 90% of shit. There are good arguments in favor of opposing gun control. These talking points, however, are tired, cliched, and predominately baseless.

    12 years ago at 3:52 pm
    1. Douglas MacArthur

      Total annihilation leaves a government with nothing to govern. To use nuclear weapons in this argument is “tired, cliched, and predominately baseless”.

      12 years ago at 4:06 pm
    2. Douglas MacArthur

      Technological superiority does not guarantee victory. Look at world conflicts the last 30 years.

      12 years ago at 4:16 pm
    3. Douglas MacArthur

      Also, liberals always want to open discussion on gun control, but hypocritically refuse to open the discussion on reforms on how we deal with the mentally handicapped.

      12 years ago at 4:20 pm
    4. Completely agree about mental health and opening up discussion. This isn’t a poltical thing; this is a call for rational, non-talking point discussion with substance.

      12 years ago at 4:24 pm
    5. I am drot nunk

      Technological superiority is a factor but not the deciding factor. We won against a technologically superior Empire, albeit, the course of technology has greatly increased in power and precision since then. However, the fact of the matter is that hypothetically speaking, if there were some revolution, the whole US military would not be in favor of the US government. I’m sure there will be a good portion in favor of reform. 1984 does have the potential of becoming real, that’s basically the whole point of this article.

      12 years ago at 4:30 pm
    6. Douglas MacArthur

      The problem with mental health is not something I see ever getting addressed though. There are too many syndromes/diseases that are used to direct blame away from personal accountability (just a few clicks away is the girl complaining about an eating disorder). Instead of people having self-control, they blame their issues on a newly named syndrome and are prescribed pills that often have side effects as bad as the original problem. Have you ever seen the depression treatment commercials that say a side effect is suicidal thoughts?

      And to bring this back to gun control, the last 2 major events that have sparked gun control “discussion” were by mentally unstable individuals. That is just as a big as a common denominator between the two events as the guns. But why is guns getting the media attention? There is a political agenda behind the guns, but nothing political rides on mental health.

      12 years ago at 4:41 pm
    7. Douglas MacArthur

      I take back that I I said that nothing political rides on mental health. Drug companies, which are highly politically influential, would like to keep things as they currently stand.

      12 years ago at 4:56 pm
    8. Minervas Medic

      Your common soldier, marine, sailor, or airman does not back many decisions by our current government. At least for the most part we (I am an active duty soldier) understand that we took an oath to protect the constitution of the United States of America, and that if our government begins to stray in their own interest that they have begun to become the domestic enemy we are sworn to protect you the people from. That being said most high ups would not issue orders to fire on US citizens, and would in fact attempt a coupe against the government. Add to all this the fact that we have been at war with a people who live in huts made of straw and shit and wipe their ass with their hands who have held out against us for a decade. I think you put too much faith in technology, and underestimate the rules of engagement the government would have to use to save face.

      12 years ago at 5:51 pm
      1. Mr_Smash

        I’m not saying your wrong ,because I hope you’re right. It’s just your going to have to excuse me for wanting to hold on to my guns ,because i find it hard to blindly trust someone I don’t know. Also, let us remember what happened at kent state and that people will do some of the most atrocious things as long as they believe they’re doing the right thing. Never doubt the power of a skilled orator to distort your perception of reality. Thank you for your service.

        12 years ago at 1:32 am
    9. ReaganKA

      Don’t blame J Parks because he received an inferior Michigan St. education. He is a moron. The only two things Michigan St is known for is being Michigan’s retarded little brother and producing a basketball player who eventually got HIV (Magic Johnson).

      12 years ago at 6:14 pm
    10. Minervas Medic

      I’m a soldier, not a politician. Your original argument was an atomic bomb, I’m replying to that. My job is to protect this country and it’s people, not to argue why we shouldn’t freely give away our God given and hard fought freedoms with a pseudo-intellectual.

      12 years ago at 6:40 pm
    11. JamesTBraxton III

      ^^^ I am also an active duty United States Army Officer. I would never fire on American citizens and I would never give the order to.

      12 years ago at 6:53 pm
    12. Douglas MacArthur

      The language in legislation is carefully written to not only effect imminent change, but also because the writers try to ensure that it isn’t interpreted in a manner that is not intended. Therefore, the writer of a thoroughly written piece of legislation will have viewed their bill through multiple lenses including a dystopian lens. Simply writing it on practicality is short sighted and foolish if it has any lasting effect. Therefore if we are discussing changes to gun laws, long term consequences should not be ignored. An argument/law that can address both the practical and hypothetical will be the best answer. Just be careful, JParks, because standards of practicality and our imminent problems are fleeting while the ramifications of how we address this issue will likely have long term consequences. But you are right that is has to be presented in a manner that appeals to the general populace.

      12 years ago at 8:20 pm
    13. has to be presented in a manner that appeals to the general populace.


      This is why I like Rage’s columns. They bring out the debate side of TFM.

      12 years ago at 12:33 am
    14. Virginia Gentleman

      J Parks, citizens can stand against a stronger and technologically advanced military power, haven’t you ever seen Red Dawn?

      12 years ago at 7:16 am
    15. Leon BROtsky

      ^Hopefully this is sarcasm. Red Dawn was a poorly executed propaganda film made during the red scare. You’re citing something that is complete fiction. The remake sucks too.

      12 years ago at 11:17 am
  2. DeltaChiOrDie

    Article about threatening American freedom.

    Picture of two Austrian guns.

    Just kidding I love my Glock and fuck these guys.

    12 years ago at 3:53 pm
  3. thuddy1855

    I say instead of banning “assault rifles” we ban Liberals. Who’s with me?

    12 years ago at 3:53 pm
  4. AlphaSeptaBoy

    The problem does not lay with conservative or liberal views. Mitt Romney would be feeling the same pressure from society to enforce the same policy. The problem is that the guns aren’t thing thing that protects our freedoms. Yes having a gun is important, but the government, both liberal and conservative have gradually stripped our liberties with policy after policy that the vast majority of population doesn’t know about. The Patriot Act? Random stop checks? These are against each and every american citizens right, yet we notice only the Gun Laws. That is the problem with the United States, we can never see the dagger behind the cloak that is regardless Republican or Democrat the citizens are the ones being stripped of their freedoms.

    12 years ago at 4:07 pm
    1. Douglas MacArthur

      The problem is the hypocrisy of the American people. They like the word freedom and the ideas that it entails, but when they want something done, they want the government to do it for them, or at least facilitate things. We are asking the government to strip our freedoms, and then complain once they do it.

      12 years ago at 4:26 pm
    2. Mr_Smash

      “They that give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
      Ben Franklin

      12 years ago at 1:41 am
  5. fourtyone

    “Don’t forget what my forefathers did to your forefathers with a bunch of hunting rifles two hundred some years ago, Piers”

    12 years ago at 4:37 pm
    1. BigHank

      As much as I hate Piers Morgan and gun control, I don’t think Piers’s ancestors had Abrams tanks or Bradley AFV’s, much less F-22’s and drones with missiles. Alex Jones, Wayne LaPierre, and Ted Nugent make sensible gun owners look like ignorant apes.

      12 years ago at 1:06 pm
  6. Joker

    Fuck Liberals. They don’t like guns because they aren’t smart enough to shoot them.

    12 years ago at 5:20 pm