Summary: The Left wants to start debating the Right based on the merits of their ideas now because yelling “That’s racist!” at everyone who disagrees isn’t working anymore.
Too bad for them their ideas are shit which is why they didn’t want honest and open debate on the issues in the first place.
As much as this website hates Bernie Sanders, the guy is absolutely right that he would have beaten Trump. His supporters and even the right just laughed as Democrats tried to pass Hillary off as a liberal and they get to say I told you so for the next four years. This guy hit the nail on the fucking head.
Bernie sanders would absolutely not have beaten Trump. He would have gotten even less black and feminist support than Hillary. And a bit more youth support. He couldn’t even keep control of the podium at his own rally.
Idk man. He was up 10 points on average in hypothetical 1 on 1 matchups against Trump, while Hillary was neck and neck.
He was also clearly fighting an upward battle against the Establishment and was against escalation in the Middle East. Hillary is the epitome of the Establishment/Corruption, and is a fucking War hawk. Both of those policy stances were key reasons many went with Trump instead of Hillary.
You also can’t deny that people trust Bernie. Meanwhile, only ignorant women and dumbass pussy whipped men think that Hillary is anywhere remotely honest.
One thing I disagree with is the beauty of this election is that the Left LOST the culture war. Even with all the endorsements from the Hollywood elites (Jay Z, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, etc.) and the mass liberal media, all the feminists and SJWs, basically everyone who looks down their nose at America as a whole, HiLIARy got the shaft.
I’m a Republican, but I’d say the Dems lost the battle not the war. Especially since so many in our generation are very culturally liberal to the point that socialism excites them instead of disgusts them. Hell Trump ran on several traditionally Democrat stances: Anti-free trade, paid child care, paid maternity leave.
British dudes. NF
8 years ago at 1:20 pmAustralians are their borderline insane brothers, so they’re FAF.
8 years ago at 1:21 pmThey both mostly suck. Australians are pretty much Californians with a different accent.
8 years ago at 1:26 pmSummary: The Left wants to start debating the Right based on the merits of their ideas now because yelling “That’s racist!” at everyone who disagrees isn’t working anymore.
Too bad for them their ideas are shit which is why they didn’t want honest and open debate on the issues in the first place.
8 years ago at 1:23 pm100℅ agree
8 years ago at 1:25 pmThere’s a button for that
8 years ago at 1:48 pmDon’t worry I used one on yours too.
8 years ago at 2:11 pmWhat a rare occurrence, a liberal with an ounce of reason and self awareness
8 years ago at 1:46 pmAs much as this website hates Bernie Sanders, the guy is absolutely right that he would have beaten Trump. His supporters and even the right just laughed as Democrats tried to pass Hillary off as a liberal and they get to say I told you so for the next four years. This guy hit the nail on the fucking head.
8 years ago at 2:14 pmBernie sanders would absolutely not have beaten Trump. He would have gotten even less black and feminist support than Hillary. And a bit more youth support. He couldn’t even keep control of the podium at his own rally.
8 years ago at 9:18 pmIdk man. He was up 10 points on average in hypothetical 1 on 1 matchups against Trump, while Hillary was neck and neck.
He was also clearly fighting an upward battle against the Establishment and was against escalation in the Middle East. Hillary is the epitome of the Establishment/Corruption, and is a fucking War hawk. Both of those policy stances were key reasons many went with Trump instead of Hillary.
You also can’t deny that people trust Bernie. Meanwhile, only ignorant women and dumbass pussy whipped men think that Hillary is anywhere remotely honest.
8 years ago at 4:25 pmIt’s also pretty obvious that many #BernieOrBust people weren’t kidding around. Fucking hilarious. The neoliberals got what they deserved.
8 years ago at 5:35 pmBurnie couldn’t even get socialism to work in his home state of Vermont how the hell is he gunna do it for a country?
8 years ago at 12:48 pmSomething must have gone right over there for him to receive over 80% of the vote from Vermont.
8 years ago at 6:59 pmOne thing I disagree with is the beauty of this election is that the Left LOST the culture war. Even with all the endorsements from the Hollywood elites (Jay Z, Beyoncé, Katy Perry, etc.) and the mass liberal media, all the feminists and SJWs, basically everyone who looks down their nose at America as a whole, HiLIARy got the shaft.
8 years ago at 1:46 pmI’m a Republican, but I’d say the Dems lost the battle not the war. Especially since so many in our generation are very culturally liberal to the point that socialism excites them instead of disgusts them. Hell Trump ran on several traditionally Democrat stances: Anti-free trade, paid child care, paid maternity leave.
8 years ago at 6:16 am“Might have to forego the shit”
8 years ago at 3:07 pmBold strategy cotton, we’ll see how it plays out for him
I’d forego the shave
8 years ago at 10:10 amI agree with what he said….but fuck that camera work made me dizzy.
8 years ago at 3:56 pmThat’s some creepy inception shit going on in that monitor
8 years ago at 8:06 pmCan’t deal with many liberals, but if more of them were like this, guarantee our country wouldn’t be as divided as it is. Props man
8 years ago at 5:45 pm